Chinese premier promises more pandas and urges Australia to put aside differences

Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s visit to Australia yesterday focused on positive aspects of the bilateral relationship including shared giant pandas and a rebounding wine trade as he promised

Highest level meeting since 2017 as relations thaw further

Australia received its most senior Chinese leadership visit in nearly seven years yesterday with stability a key theme of the discussions between the countries’ foreign ministers.

Xi and Albanese meet in Beijing while their countries try to mend ties

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese met Chinese President Xi Jinping yesterday on the first visit by an Australian leader to China in seven years as the

Prime minister to raise imprisoned democracy blogger during China visit

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said yesterday he will raise the plight of a detained Australian democracy blogger with Chinese leaders during a state visit to China.

Australia and China open their first high-level dialogue in three years

Australia and China opened their first high-level dialogue in three years yesterday in a sign of a slight thaw to relations between countries that have clashed

China-Australia trade ministers hold first meeting since 2019

Australian and Chinese trade ministers held their first bilateral meeting in three years yesterdayas Australia urges China to lift official and unofficial barriers that are costing

Australia warns of ‘arbitrary detention’ risk in China

CANBERRA — Australia on Tuesday warned its citizens that they may be at risk of "arbitrary detention" if they visit China. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in an

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