China’s state media take a new tone toward the US ahead of meeting

A head of the highly anticipated meeting today between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Chinese state media have taken a new tone

Singapore defense minister calls on China to take lead in reducing regional tensions

Singapore's defense minister urged China as a dominant power in Asia to take the lead in reducing tensions in the region, warning that a military conflict

Beijing believes the path to a Xi-Biden meeting in San Francisco won’t be ‘smooth sailing’

China’s foreign minister believes the road to an expected meeting between President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden will not be “smooth sailing” and both sides

California Governor has surprise meeting with Xi amid warm welcome in Beijing

California Gov. Gavin Newsom had a surprise meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing yesterday after being warmly welcomed by other senior officials in a display

Top Chinese diplomat to visit Washington ahead of possible Xi-Biden meeting

China’s top diplomat will come to the United States tomorrow for a three-day visit, the latest move by Washington and Beijing to keep high-level talks open amid

Russia’s foreign minister offers security talks with North Korea and China

Russia's foreign minister proposed regular security talks with North Korea and China to deal with what he described as increasing U.S.-led regional military threats, as he

US Senate Majority Leader Schumer meets President Xi in rare meeting

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told Chinese President Xi Jinping in a rare meeting yesterday that he was “very disappointed” by China’s failure to strongly

Chinese ambassador says Australian lawmakers who visit Taiwan utilized by separatists

China's ambassador to Australia yesterday criticized Australian politicians who visit Taiwan, saying they are being utilized by separatists on the self-governing island. Ambassador Xiao Qian was

Bashar Assad arrives in China on first visit since the beginning of Syria conflict

Syrian President Bashar Assad arrived in China yesterday on his first visit to the country since the start of Syria’s 12-year conflict during which Beijing has been

Kremlin: Russia and China must edge closer to counter Western efforts to contain them

A senior Kremlin official yesterday called for closer policy coordination between Moscow and Beijing to counter what he described as Western efforts to contain them as he hosted

VP Han meets Blinken as US-China contacts increase ahead of possible summit

Secretary of State Antony Blinken met yesterday with China’s vice president on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly as the Biden administration and Beijing step

Wang Yi heads to Russia after meeting with US national security adviser

China’s top diplomat is heading to Russia for security talks after two days of meetings with U.S. President Joe Biden’s national security adviser over the weekend in

Vice President Han Zheng to represent China at UN General Assembly session

China is sending Vice President Han Zheng to the U.N. General Assembly’s annual high-level debate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said last week, suggesting that the

Pope’s peace envoy heads to China on mission to help Ukrainian children

Pope Francis’ Ukraine peace envoy, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, is heading to China on the fourth leg of a mission that has already brought him to Kyiv,

China sending delegation to N. Korea to celebrate its founding as nations foster their ties

A Chinese delegation led by Vice-Premier Liu Guozhong will visit North Korea to participate in celebrations for its 75th founding anniversary, which is tomorrow, the North’s state

Australia and China open their first high-level dialogue in three years

Australia and China opened their first high-level dialogue in three years yesterday in a sign of a slight thaw to relations between countries that have clashed

Delegation of Australian ministers to visit China in further sign of improving ties

A delegation of Australian federal ministers will attend a high-level dialogue in Beijing this week in a further sign of a warming of relations after a years-

Britain’s top diplomat visits China for the first time in five years

Britain's top diplomat, James Cleverly, began a long-awaited visit to China yesterday as the two countries attempt to stabilize their ties that have frayed badly in

Britain’s foreign secretary visits China in an attempt to shore up ties, reduce tensions

Britain's top diplomat, James Cleverly, is set to visit China today, as the two countries attempt to shore up frayed ties. It will be the

India and China pledge to maintain ‘peace and tranquility’ along disputed border

Chinese and Indian military commanders pledged to “maintain the peace and tranquility” along their disputed border, China’s Defense Ministry said, in an apparent effort by the sides

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