Beijing tells US to ‘reflect deeply’ over downturn in ties

China's foreign minister told the U.S. ambassador yesterday that Washington is responsible for the downturn in relations between the two countries and must “reflect deeply” before ties

After attacks on Chinese, Pakistan pledges more security

The Pakistani president assured Beijing’s top diplomat that his country will boost security for all Chinese nationals working on multi-billion dollar projects in cash-strapped Pakistan. China

Group led by China, Russia criticizes global institutions

Foreign ministers from a group of nations led by China and Russia criticized over the weekend the ability of world institutions to resolve geopolitical problems, including

Qin makes rare visit to Myanmar border

China's foreign minister Qin Gang called for stability and a crackdown on cross-border criminal activity along the country’s border with Myanmar, during an unusual visit to the volatile

South Korea restores Japan on trade ‘white list’

South Korea formally restored Japan to its list of countries it gives preferential treatment in trade yesterday, three years after the neighbors downgraded each other’s trade

Australia seeks to ‘stabilize the relationship’ with China: FM

Australia is working to stabilize relations with China but could not return to the thriving economic relationship with its biggest trading partner that existed 15 years

Macron heads to China for delicate talks on Ukraine, trade

French President Emmanuel Macron will have to muster all his diplomatic adeptness and political acumen on a three-day state visit to China where the war

Honduras establishes ties with China after Taiwan break

Honduras established diplomatic ties with China yesterday after breaking off relations with Taiwan, which is increasingly isolated and now recognized by only 13 sovereign states, including Vatican

Brazil’s Lula cancels trip to China because of pneumoniaDiplomacy Brazil’s Lula cancels trip to China because of pneumonia

Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has canceled his trip to China after contracting pneumonia, the presidential palace said yesterday . Lula, 77, was

China, Philippines assess ties amid escalating sea disputes

Senior Chinese and Filipino diplomats met in Manila yesterday to review their relations amid thorny issues, including Beijing’s alarm over a Philippine decision to allow the U.S.

Putin welcomes Xi to Kremlin amid Ukraine fighting

Russian President Vladimir Putin warmly welcomed Chinese leader Xi Jinping to the Kremlin yesterday , sending a powerful message to Western leaders that their efforts to

Xi to meet Putin as Beijing seeks bolder global role

Chinese President Xi Jinping plans to visit Moscow next week, offering a major diplomatic boost to Russian President Vladimir Putin just before the International Criminal

Japan, South Korea renew ties at Tokyo summit

Japan and South Korea agreed to resume regular visits between their leaders and took steps to resolve a trade dispute as a highly anticipated summit began yesterday,

Honduras will seek ties with China, spurning Taiwan

Honduras President Xiomara Castro announced yesterday that her government will seek to establish diplomatic relations with China, which would imply severing relations with Taiwan. The

Beijing says AUKUS on ‘dangerous path’ with nuclear subs deal

The United States, Australia and the United Kingdom are traveling “further down the wrong and dangerous path for their own geopolitical self-interest,” China’s Foreign Ministry said

Adviser expresses confidence in China-US friendship

A Lin Songtian, who served as ambassador to multiple countries including South Africa and Malawi, is currently president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with

US Indo-Pacific Strategy ‘seeks to form exclusive blocs to stir up confrontation’: Chinese FM

The U.S. “Indo-Pacific Strategy” seeks to “gang up”to form exclusive blocs, stir up confrontation, and undermine regional integration, Foreign Minister Qin Gang said yesterday. The

Belarusian leader visits China amid Ukraine tensions

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a close ally of Russia, arrived in Beijing yesterday for a state visit that will be watched for hints about China’s attitude to

China rips new US House committee on countering Beijing

China lashed out yesterday at a new U.S. House committee dedicated to countering Beijing, demanding its members “discard their ideological bias and zero-sum Cold War mentality.”

Belarus leader and Putin ally Lukashenko on China visit

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a close ally of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, is due in Beijing to begin a three-day state visit this week as geopolitical

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