The Buzz

Two Macau residents suffer carbon monoxide poisoning

Two local residents suffered carbon monoxide poisoning over the weekend, causing the Health Bureau (SSM) to warn residents about preventive measures.

A statement from the bureau said that it received a report regarding a case of carbon monoxide poisoning at the Macau Drug Rehabilitation Association, affecting two residents aged 46 and 50. At approximately 7 a.m. on May 18, the two individuals went to their kitchen and turned on a gas stove to prepare breakfast.

After about thirty minutes, they noticed a strange odor and experienced dizziness and nausea. One of them even fainted momentarily but regained consciousness soon afterwards.

According to the provided information, the kitchen in question was equipped with two gas stoves, windows, and an extractor fan. At the time of the incident, the kitchen windows and doors were open, but the extractor fan was turned off.

The two are currently both in a stable condition.

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