Young musicians competition to be held next month

A similar competition held in 2012

A similar competition held in 2012

The 34th Macao Young Musicians Competition, organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), will be held between July 27 to August 5 at the Dom Pedro V Theatre and the Institute for Tourism Studies.
This year’s competition will feature categories of Chinese and Western instruments.
The contest for “Special Prizes” will also take place at the Dom Pedro V Theatre on August 7, with the competition spanning 12 days, according to a press release issued by the IC.
Several prizes including the Certificate of Merit and a Certificate of Competence, will be awarded at the competition.  The “Cultural Affairs Bureau Prize” will award the First Prize-winning individual among all advanced levels, a scholarship equal to the net amount of the winner’s first year tuition fee in a music-related course.
The competition aims to promote the development of music in the region, and to raise the performance level of young musicians.
The bureau has reminded contestants to register at their respective counter at the competition venue with their valid Macau BIR in order to collect their performance number.

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