30 researchers in science and technology fields receive awards

An award ceremony was held by the government yesterday to celebrate 16 projects and 30 researchers in the science and technology fields. A total of 46 awards were given.
The awards were issued pursuant to the Science and Technology Award Regulations. The government describes the awards as further encouraging and supporting local talents to immerse themselves in scientific research.
In his opening speech, Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wai Nong, who attended on behalf of the Chief Executive, sent his regards to all the awardees, before reiterating that the development of science and technology in Macau has the support of the Central People’s Government in Beijing.
The official reminded those present that a science and technology innovation corridor was endorsed in the Greater Bay Area Development Framework. Within this idea, Macau, alongside Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, will form the engine of the area’s science and technology development.
In her acceptance speech, Mok Seng Peng, an awardee representative, recalled seeing leaps in development in the area in Macau in the past 10 years, after she returned to the city from abroad. She also encouraged young people to participate in the sector. AL

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