Briefs | Local mask manufacturer opens factory


Local mask brand “853” has recently opened its factory, which is located in an industrial building on Avenida de Venceslau de Morais. The factory had a soft opening in March this year and started operations at the end of June. It currently has three production lines capable of manufacturing 150,000 masks per day. More than 20 pharmacies are selling the masks. The owner of the company explained that he and his partner wanted to manufacture masks in either Macau or mainland China in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak. Since they were focused on the Macau market, they opted to manufacture in Macau instead. They also have the capability of expanding their production to manufacture children’s masks as well.

Song Pek Kei seeks results of gov’t research into aged care

Lawmaker Song Pek Kei has asked the government to publish the results, once available, of research into aged care that began last year and ended in June this year. Song recapped that in 2019, the proportion of residents above 65 years of age was 12% of the total population. As the aging population will increase, related policy development, such as having 2,600 beds in aged care homes in 2022, may not satisfy market demand. Some families, the lawmaker said, may even need to hire a caregiver, which is an extra burden on them. As such, she hopes the government will prioritize the implementation of a caregiver subsidy. In addition, it should also increase the number of visiting caregivers, the lawmaker said.

60% of fathers report stress during Covid-19 pandemic

A survey conducted by the Collective Wisdom Policy Center, where lawmaker Ho Ion Sang is the director-general, found that 60% of the fathers surveyed experience stress amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The entity received 801 valid responses and determined that fathers were facing vocational, economic, family and health pressures. The survey found that 30% of fathers were forced to take leave on reduced paid. Nearly 20% were underemployed, 10% became unemployed, while 16% had their salary reduced. The survey also determined that Macau fathers were not spending much time with their children. One-fifth spent at most 5 hours per week with their children. Only 10% could spare more than 20 hours per week with their children. The survey did not determine the cause of the time restrictions.

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