Schools to resume on Monday

After almost a month of school suspensions caused by the Covid-19 outbreaks in late September and early October, students will return to school this coming Monday, Kong Chi Meng, vice-director

No salary rise for civil servants in 2022

The civil service salary index will remain unchanged for the second consecutive year in 2022, Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong said on the sidelines of a press conference

Gov’t adds 12 new items to immovable assets heritage list

The government has added 12 new items to the immovable assets heritage list for the purpose of classification and protection, the Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong announced yesterday

Australia | Outback town overwhelmed by response to free land offer

The Australian Outback town of Quilpie hoped its offer of free residential land to anyone who would make it their home might attract five new families to the remote community

Judiciary Year opening | AAM president criticizes those profiting from ‘patriotic’ propaganda

President of the Macau Lawyers Association (AAM) Jorge Neto Valente has openly criticized those profiting from ‘patriotic’ propaganda. Neto Valente was speaking at the AAM’s opening ceremony for the new judiciary

Science | MUST prepares for moon rock analysis

The State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) will analyze the moon rock samples collected by the Chang’e-5 Lunar Explorer. At

GBA | 130th Canton Fair concludes, attracting over 600,000 visitors

The 130th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), concluded successfully in Guangzhou this week, attracting 7,795 exhibitors and over 600,000 visitors in the 5-day offline exhibition. Under the pandemic, the 130th Canton Fair

Olympic flame arrives in Beijing amid controversy abroad

The Olympic flame arrived in Beijing yesterday amid calls from overseas critics for a boycott of the Feb. 4-20 Winter Games. Beijing’s Communist Party Secretary Cai Qi, the top official in

Science | Pig-to-human transplants come a step closer with new test

Scientists temporarily attached a pig’s kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work, a small step in the decades-long quest to one day use animal organs for

Macau Concealers media ceases operations

Local media outlet Macau Concealers has announced its permanent closure from today (Wednesday). The announcement was made yesterday evening on Macau Concealers’ social media pages. In a short statement, Macau Concealers said

Crowds at the Border Gate as Zhuhai restrictions eased

Several hundred people were seen lining up yesterday before noon, when the major restrictions were scheduled to be lifted. Many had suitcases with them as they eagerly waited to cross

BOC issues new cards to celebrate KW Charity Association’s 150th Anniversary

A new set of credit and debit cards issued by the Bank of China, Macau Branch (BOC) was unveiled yesterday to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Kiang Wu Hospital

Publicly-owned companies to be supervised by a centralized system

Twenty-two publicly owned companies of the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) will be, in the future, supervised by a dedicated public entity. The information was disclosed by Sonia Chan, director of

Chinese-North Korean defectors face hardship in South Korea

Abandoned, he feels, by three countries, Cho Guk-gyeong shows a visitor his South Korean alien registration card, which describes him as “stateless.” It’s an apt description for what his life

Technology | Chinese users have mixed feelings about LinkedIn departure

For nearly seven years, LinkedIn has been the only major Western social networking platform still operating in China. People like 32-year-old Jason Liu view it as an important career enhancing

Border-crossing restrictions to ease if no more cases by noon

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Center announced yesterday that a 24 hour period ending at noon today will be crucial for the implementation of the announced easing of border

CRIME REPORT | Unlicensed woman apprehended for administering beauty surgery

A woman has been arrested by the Judiciary Police (PJ) for performing beauty treatments and surgery without a license, the authority announced at yesterday’s regular press briefing. The suspect, a 38-year-old

Sinopharm vaccine rolling out for youngsters

The Sinopharm inactivated virus vaccine has been officially authorized for 12-to-18-year-olds, the government announced yesterday. According to health authorities, the decision was finally made after evaluation of scientific evidence gathered by

Education Bureau issues Squid Game warning

A drama series which has recently become popular around the world involves a “multitude of bloody and horrifying elements, which are not suitable for younger audiences,” the Education and Youth

Vaccines, masks? Japan puzzling over sudden virus success

Almost overnight, Japan has become a stunning, and somewhat mysterious, coronavirus success story. Daily new COVID-19 cases have plummeted from a mid-August peak of nearly 6,000 in Tokyo, with caseloads in

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