Grand Prix budget remains unchanged at MOP200 million

The 63rd edition of the Macau Grand Prix will receive more  financial support from its title sponsor. In a ceremony held at Macau Tower, it was announced that the total

Opposition mounts over proposed Macau-Taipa tunnels

The government’s proposal to build two tunnels connecting Taipa and the Macau peninsula has raised controversial debates within the city. A notice published in the Official Gazette last week indicated that

Beijing announces South China Sea military exercises

China is closing off a part of the South China Sea for military exercises this week, the government said yesterday, days after an international tribunal ruled against Beijing’s claim to ownership of virtually

Trade | HK and Macau sign CEPA to strengthen cooperation

The ninth Hong Kong-Macau Cooperation High Level Meeting was held in Macau on Friday. Both Hong Kong and Macau initiated the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement Between Hong Kong and Macau

Turks rally to defend democracy, govt seeks coup suspects

Chanting, dancing and waving flags, tens of thousands of Turks marched through the streets into the wee hours of yesterday in half a dozen cities to defend democracy and support

Bastille Day celebrations in Macau marred by shockwaves of Nice attack

The ceremony organized last Friday evening by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau to celebrate France’s National Day (Bastille Day) was marred by the shocking Nice

New Macau urges MP to investigate Iec Long case

Sulu Sou and Ng Kuok Cheong, both members of the New Macau Association (ANM) voiced their expectations and concerns regarding the Iec Long Firecracker Factory land swap, which was deemed

53 arrests following investigation into Shenzhen deadly landslide

China’s Cabinet said Friday that 53 people are in custody in an investigation into a landslide that killed 73 people and left four others missing in the southern city of Shenzhen

France calls up reservist forces after deadly Nice rampage

France called up thousands of reserve security forces Friday as authorities tried to determine why a Tunisian deliveryman known only to be a petty criminal took the wheel of a

AL PLENARY | Proposal to ‘reinterpret’ Land Law rejected

The president of the Legislative Assembly (AL), Ho Iat Seng, revealed yesterday that the proposal to add a so-called “interpretative note” to the Land Law, submitted to the assembly by

IS recruits in SE Asia a rising threat despite weak attacks

Ineffectual attacks by the Islamic State group’s followers in Southeast Asia have shown them to be fragmented and lacking in the expertise that has produced devastating death tolls elsewhere in

Galaxy nurtures new VIPs as Macau gaming rebound elusive

As Macau’s gambling slump extends beyond a second year, the casino operator that’s benefited the most from the city’s decade-long focus on Chinese VIP gamblers is trying to lure a

Portuguese tapestry expert keeps the tradition alive in Macau

Arraiolos carpets have been around in Portugal since the 16th century and are now also becoming popular in Macau. A locally based Portuguese woman who grew up producing such rugs

Gov’t suspected of hacking into FDIC computers

The Chinese government is believed to have hacked into computers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in 2010, 2011 and 2013, including the workstation of then-FDIC Chair Sheila Bair, a

No rights to land | CCAC criticizes government for irregular land swap

The Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) has released its “investigation report on the land exchange case related to the site of the Iec Long Firecracker Factory.” The investigation found that not

Cameron heads out, May comes in: Drama in British politics

In a carefully orchestrated political ballet, David Cameron left his job and his home at 10 Downing Street yesterday, resigning as prime minister soon afterward at Buckingham Palace. Theresa May

Senado Square CD shop to close by month end

In a statement published on Friday, Anson Ng, owner of the bookshop “Pin-to Livros” and CD store “Pin-to Musica,” announced with sorrow that the 10-year-old music store would be closed

Land Law | Lawmaker Coutinho adamant no amendments necessary

Lawmaker Pereira Coutinho held a press conference yesterday at the headquarters of the Macau Civil Servants Association to reiterate his stance that the Land Law currently under discussion should not

Developers retreat from Hong Kong land buys amid slump

Chinese buyers slowed the pace of their Hong Kong land purchases in the first half of 2016, joining the city’s biggest developers on the sidelines and setting the stage for

Tribunal: No basis for Beijing’s vast South China Sea claims

A tribunal ruled in a sweeping decision yesterday that China has no legal basis for claiming much of the South China Sea and had aggravated the seething regional dispute with its large-scale land reclamation

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