China-compatible e-money cards to launch in early 2016

Local smart card service provider Macau Pass is slated to issue a new range of cards next January, having joined the mainland authorities’ ongoing initiative to unify all public transportation

DSEJ to revise private school subsidy law following Audit report criticism

Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) director Leong Lai, also the head of the supervising body for funds to private schools, said she would bear the responsibility to overhaul regulation

Grand Prix organizers aware of regional challenges

The traditional blessing ceremony of the 62nd Macau Grand Prix (MGP) was held yesterday. The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Alexis Tam, officiated the ceremony, stating that the government

Airport exhibits F3 racing vehicles

The racing units are being displayed in the airport’s departure hall, arrival hall and baggage claim areas between November 10 and 23. According to the Macau International Airport, the exhibition offers

Opinion: Letter to the Editor | Oxford Economics responds to critics on illicit tobacco report

Dear Editor, We are writing to you on behalf of Oxford Economics and the International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC) regarding the article “Report ‘One in three cigarettes illegal’

Full smoking ban could jeopardize social welfare, casinos claim

Macau’s six casino operators yesterday presented the complete KPMG study into the proposed smoking ban to the Second Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly, arguing that a total ban could

Alexis Tam applauds DSEJ after accusations from watchdog

The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Alexis Tam, yesterday lauded the efforts of the Director of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ), Leong Lai, following a report from

Residential mortgage loans slow, commercial on the rise

According to statistics released yesterday by the Monetary Authority of Macau, the number of new approvals of residential mortgage loans (RMLs) declined, while those of commercial real estate loans (CRELs)

Gov’t profiting from illicit monthly parking fees

The government had been receiving part of the profits made by the Comendador Ho Yin Garden parking lot through its illegally issued monthly passes over the years, the management firm

Demographics | Population increases slightly

The female population of Macau accounted for 50.8 percent of the total, or 236,800 persons. There were 1,819 live births delivered in the third quarter for 2015, an increase of

Architecture Promenade records 1,700 participants

The Macau Architecture Promenade (MAP) welcomed over 1,700 participants to a series of 38 activities over the course of a month, which were divided into categories as diverse as “Books

Retail | Chow Tai Fook hits record low after warning profit to plunge

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd. shares fell to a record low in Hong Kong after it warned that first- half profit will plunge by as much as 50 percent

British Consul memoirs depict Macau during WWII

Colin Day was in town to speak about the findings that inspired his most recent publication, entitled “The Lone Flag: Memoir of the British Consul in Macau during World War

Electric car manufacturer Tesla enters local market

American electric automobile manufacturer Tesla Motors has announced its official entry into the Macau market with the launch of Tesla’s official Macau website. Through this platform, Macau customers can now

Audit report claims inefficient monitoring of school subsidies

The Commission of Audit (CA) says that financial subsidies granted to private schools are poorly monitored. According to a report revealed yesterday, the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) and

Legislative Assembly to discuss ‘rent ceiling’ proposal

The Legislative Assembly is expected tomorrow to debate a proposal regarding the tenancy law, aimed at addressing sensitive issues such as the length of tenancy and a proposed rent ceiling.

Travel sector eager to join China’s development strategy

The International Travel (Industry) Expo, which will be held from this Friday until Sunday, takes advantage of Beijing’s regional strategy, as the capital seeks to expand its targeted market from

Hong Kong lags behind rivals in eCommerce

Despite Hong Kong being home to the highest internet and smartphone penetration in the Asia-Pacific region, a new survey conducted by global payments company, Visa, found that eCommerce in the

Mozambique’s Gorongosa Park showcase

All the history and restoration of Gorongosa National Park (PNG), Mozambique’s largest and most important protected habitat​​, will be on display in Macau this month. This is an initiative of the

Secretary Rosário blames legal disputes for land recovery delay

In response to accusations that the authorities have been inactive in recovering idle land lots from expired contracts, Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário has claimed that

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