Made in Macao | Peach-blossoms-luck

During this time of year when lots of places are decorated with large peach blossom trees, we often see young people running around the trees for luck. This

Macau Matters | Solar energy and developing the energy sector

As readers probably know, I have a strong interest in “green” technologies. I remember reading that “the Office for the Development of the Energy Sector (GDSE) has disclosed

Our Desk | On abusive placement fees

Last week, the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) said that it is working towards restricting visitors from seeking work in Macau. Although conducting job searches while holding tourist

Views on China | Keep saving Hong Kong. China’s coming for your best land

It takes around 35 years for a median- income household to buy a 90-square-meter (970 square foot) apartment in Hong Kong. So, by 2052 in other words. That

Bizcuits | Take it from him, giving works

Servant leadership is one of those idealistic concepts that you either know exists because you’ve been privileged to experience it, hold it as an ideal but remain agnostic,

Girl About Globe | Ken‘techy fried chicken

As the Year of the Rooster looms, KFC is turning into Ken’techy Fried Chicken. A Beijing branch of the fast food chain has introduced facial recognition

Legal Wise by MdME | Bonus or no bonus: that is the question!

The modern employment relationship is, more often than not, haunted by the ghost of the past and present bonuses. Among other entitlements, it is usually the “cherry

Our Desk | Silent exchange program

ifty-nine mainland universities are currently attracting local students through a direct admission program which will exempt students from taking an entrance examination. In other words, good grades to

Rear Window | Telling apart good and evil

These first days of 2017 have been eventful and sufficiently dramatic – I cannot offer a more interesting choice of words - to guess, to anticipate a tough

Kapok | The missing links

The results of the public consultation pertaining to the “Macao Tourism Industry Development Master Plan”, conducted from May to July 2016, have just been released. Although their full integration

Made in Macao | Out with the Tree in with the Blossom

It seems not so long ago when everyone was busy setting up and decorating Christmas trees. In the blink of an eye, the evergreens are gone, replaced by kumquat

Macau Matters | Working Holiday Visas

Around the world about 20 countries have reciprocal arrangements to allow their citizens to get visas for working holidays. In Asia these countries include Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong

Our Desk | On the legacy of Ho Chio Meng

I started writing this column with the hope of organizing my thoughts on the trial of Ho Chio Meng and in the process, come to some sort of

Views on China | Boeing’s biggest China concern isn’t a Trump trade war

As if it wasn’t bad enough getting into a fight with the president-elect over the cost of Air Force One, Boeing Co. is facing problems from the other

Bizcuits | Ready, set… abort fire

I am in the middle of a malaise of post-holiday blues. The inertia is taking its toll on any focus and drive that I had in last year.

Girl About Globe | Hic from the sticks

This is not a sophisticated column. I may be called a hic from the sticks. But here goes. The problem began on a festive night out with great gal

Legal Wise by MdME | Year of the Bench

It has now become somewhat commonplace to say that, following the preponderance of the legislative and executive branches in the 19th and 20th centuries, we are now living the

Views on Asia | Japan tries to break the culture of workaholism

The same problems come up again and again in discussions of what Japan needs to do to revive its economy. The first is low white-collar productivity. The second

Our Desk | New Year, old resolutions

It would be pointless to say we have entered a new (calendar) year as everyone has noticed it already. Tradition says that every year around this time we

Kapok | Another tyranny of numbers

Back in August 2015, I remember musing about the irony that, on the one hand China was the place where the oldest census in the world had been

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