Made in Macao | The magic Cantonese word to ward off evil

In the Cantonese speaking world, there are many slang words which only exist in our language and cannot be translated even into other Chinese dialects. One such word

World Views | A too-big-to-fail toxic monster. China’s plan C

China’s small bank problem may be about to get a lot bigger. The slowing economy is exposing vulnerabilities built up by years of aggressive lending — and Beijing’s plans to preserve stability

Our Desk | I wanna do it, but don’t know how

About a week ago, Macau joined an international coalition, comprising many jurisdictions across all continents. However, among the four Chinese- speaking jurisdictions in Greater China, Macau is the

Rear Window | Squaring the circle

Hong Kong is apparently at its direst crossroads, stranded between Beijing’s resolve to restore order in the SAR and the symbolic strength Hongkonger foot protesters still manage to put up

The Stranger | Love me tender

In statements reported by local media this week, Macau’s newly appointed Chief Executive (CE), Ho Iat Seng, claimed that the SAR would become “an example of the nation’s reunification.” Macau’s third

Macau Matters | Teaching an old dog new tricks

Based on research from Rutgers University, Solidia Technologies ( or Solidia Video) is commercializing a new way to make concrete which can dramatically reduce the environmental impact of this major

World Views | Warmer Winters won’t mean fewer deaths

On a recent day in Denver, snow fell just eight hours after the  Mortality rates are indeed much higher during  Most of this increase is due to

World Views | China’s industrial policies work. So copy them

China hawks are chastising President Donald Trump’s “ In one typical critique, experts at the Peterson Institute, a Washington think tank,  Until recently, mainstream economists and policymakers

Bizcuits | CSR: Sustainability or Regeneration?

The Macau Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Greater China held their first forum as reported in the Times this week. While the main focus was

Offbeat | S. Carolina man: McDonald’s sweet tea came with weed inside

A South Carolina man who went to McDonald’s for a sweet tea says he received a little extra herbal substance on the side. The Island Packet reports Parrish Brown

World Views | Boris Johnson still has a Nigel Farage problem

A little over a week ago, Nigel Farage described the Brexit deal that U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson brought back from Brussels as a travesty and a betrayal

Our Desk | Historical confusions

I am sure that by now everyone in Macau has heard enough about how 2019 is ‘the’ year of multiple celebrations. Well, hearing this over and over,

Rear Window | Face off

Once again, Macau sails through that atypical season of a quiet and uneventful brand of local politics where and when anything goes. That is to say, in the

Kapok | Macao in a Kiang Wu cup

Anybody and everybody knows the Kiang Wu Hospital in Macao. Not for its ugly architecture that scars the whole area behind the façade of Saint Paul, but rather

The Stranger | Image check

We live in a society and in times in which the power of images cannot be underestimated. In fact, this is the nature of images. They have an impact, an

Macau Matters | Spurious carbon accounting

We all know that the world is plunging headlong towards a climate disaster, and that most of the world’s leaders are studiously keeping their heads in the sand and leaving

World Views | Democracy is on the march, not in retreat

Across the world, from Hong Kong to Ecuador, Sudan to Iraq, angry protesters are filling urban streets and squares, clashing with police, smashing shops and burning tires. They do not

Tax Matters | The Service Charge – is it mandatory?

When you travel around the world and go to a restaurant, it is not unusual to find in the bill an additional 10 or 15% service charge (“SC”) over the

Bizcuits | Obsolescent mind

Obsolescence: I’ve always had to rely on the spell-checker for this one, in maybe a subconscious attempt to deny the existence of the commercial form of this phenomenon.

Made in Macao | Sumptuous Chinese banquet

From roast suckling pig to shark fin soup, to large steamed giant grouper, more often than not, we are full by the sixth dish of the never-ending traditional

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