The Buzz | UN gets USD100m in new funds for Palestinian aid after US cuts

The United Nations received pledges of nearly USD100 million in new funding for the U.N. relief agency for Palestinians after the U.S. slashed its aid, but it is

World Briefs

China Members of the Uighur Muslim ethnic group held demonstrations in cities around the world yesterday to protest a sweeping Chinese surveillance and security campaign that has sent thousands

Cold War | Russian minister says it will ‘certainly’ expel UK diplomats

Russia will “certainly” expel British diplomats in a tit-for-tat response to Britain’s decision to send 23 Russians home over the poisoning of a former spy, the foreign minister said

Offbeat | Snow joke: Weatherman named Meteorologist runs for office

A former TV weatherman who legally changed his name to Meteorologist Drew Anderson says there’s a 100 percent chance he’ll run for Congress in Pennsylvania under the

Obituary | Stephen Hawking, tourist of the universe, dead at 76

In his final years, the only thing connecting the brilliant physicist to the outside world was a couple of inches of frayed nerve in his cheek.

Shucks, Finns: Finland tops 2018 global happiness index

Fans of skiing, saunas and Santa Claus won’t be surprised to hear Finland is the happiest place to live. The World Happiness Report published

World briefs

INDONESIA The conservative province of Aceh known for publicly caning gays, adulterers and gamblers is considering the introduction of beheading as a punishment for murder. CAMBODIA With

EU’s trade chief questions rationale of Trump steel measures

The European Union’s trade chief is questioning the rationale of U.S. President Donald Trump in threatening to impose tariffs on EU exports of steel and aluminum, and says

Nepal plane crash survivors say it’s a miracle they’re alive

Survivors of a plane crash at Nepal’s main airport this week say it’s a miracle they survived an accident that killed 49 of the 71 people on

Angela Merkel elected for fourth term as German chancellor

Germany’s parliament elected Angela Merkel for her fourth term as chancellor yesterday, putting an end to nearly six months of political drift in Europe’s biggest economy.

AP Investigation | US military overlooks sex abuse among kids

A decade after the Pentagon began confronting rape in the ranks, the U.S. military frequently fails to protect or provide justice to the children of service members when they

This Day in History | 1960 Radio telescope makes space history

The British radio telescope at Jodrell Bank in Cheshire has set a new space record making contact with the American Pioneer V satellite at a distance

Offbeat | Sno-Cat resembling ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ car stolen in Colorado

“Yeee Haaa!” Authorities in Colorado are looking for a man suspected of stealing a Sno-Cat fitted out to look like the “General Lee,” the famous

The Buzz | UK says ex-spy poisoned with Soviet-developed nerve agent

The use of Russian-developed nerve agent Novichok to poison ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter makes it “highly likely” that Russia was involved, British Prime Minister Theresa May

World Briefs

Japan-Korea Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (right) met with South Korea’s intelligence chief yesterday, and said that while he welcomes any dialogue with North Korea regarding

Twitter announcement | Tillerson out at State, to be replaced by CIA chief Pompeo

President Donald Trump ousted Rex Tillerson as secretary of state yesterday, making a surprise Twitter announcement that he’s naming CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace him.

USA | Trump Jr. partners with donor who pitched gov’t

Donald Trump Jr. has a previously undisclosed business relationship with a longtime hunting buddy who helped raise millions of dollars for his father’s 2016 presidential campaign and

New York City | Police confirms five passengers in helicopter crash are dead

A helicopter crashed into New York City’s East River and flipped upside down in the water, killing all five passengers aboard, officials said. A spokesman for the NYPD

Syria | More civilians leave rebel enclave as army advances

A small group of Syrian civilians yesterday left the rebel-held enclave of eastern Ghouta just outside of Damascus, using a corridor established by the Syrian army amid

This Day in History | 1970 Conservative victory in first teen election

The Conservatives are celebrating a record majority in the Bridgwater by-election. They won by 10,915 votes, the largest in the constituency for 50 years. It was the

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