IAM ‘has never, at any time, ruled out liability’ regarding washstand incident

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) has not ruled out liability regarding a recent incident in which tiles fell from a washstand, injuring one local resident.
In a statement sent to the Times, the bureau said that it “values the quality of works under its supervision, and regards the recent incidents in all seriousness.”
Recounting the earlier statements, the IAM said, “on September 24, the bureau issued a communiqué where it said it was strengthening the supervision of municipal facilities and quality. On September 25, during a press conference, IAM president José Tavares stressed that the institute is concerned with the quality of municipal facilities, and that it will carry out a general investigation hoping that facilities meet safety standards.”
“The IAM is aware of the seriousness of the incident and has never, at any time, ruled out liability for the incident,” the bureau added.
“Following the speech, the same official appealed to the public to use the facilities correctly so as not to cause damage and to support IAM in its work to maintain their quality,” continued the statement.
The IAM also said that “the IAM is a service whose mission is to serve the public and it will continue to pursue and carry out this task in the name of the well-being and quality of life of residents.”
Earlier last week, Macau resident Choi Chi Wai sustained a bone fracture when he was hit by tiles that fell from a washstand at the Hac Sa Reservoir. Choi, a heavy-duty vehicle driver, has been directed by his doctor to take a three-month-long break in order to recover from the injury.
The IAM issued the statement to Macau Daily Times in response to an article titled “IAM blames the public for wearing down facilities after washbasin accident” published in the newspaper on Monday, September 28, for the purpose of clarification. MDT

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