Read Zhuhai | A model bookstore the other side of the border

2448-2015-11-27-extraOn 30th May this year, Zhuhai’s largest and most modern bookshop celebrated its first birthday with six cultural events that attracted hundreds of people to share the anniversary.
Yuechao (Read Zone) is on the third floor of the city’s biggest and newest shopping centre, Huafa Shangdu (the Mall of Huafa), which opened on 30th May 2014. Huafa is the biggest property developer in the special economic zone.
In its first year, Read Zone attracted more than one million visitors, with an average of 80,000 a month and up to 7,000 a day on weekends. It put on more than 80 cultural events, including musical performances, book presentations, discussions and celebrity appearances.
It considers the model so successful that it wants to expand to other cities. READ MORE

* Movies: Creed

* Books: Devotion by Adam Makos

* Music: First Comes the Night by Chris Isaak

* Wine: The Golden State III

* Food: Pink Fantasy



Extra 2448 – Read Zhuhai | A model bookstore the other side of the border

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