Beijing calls for crackdown on illegal money exchanges in Macau

Beijing is intensifying efforts to curb illegal money exchange activities in Macau’s casino industry, as part of a broader initiative to combat illegal gambling and money

At least 20 dead and 27 missing in floods surrounding Beijing, thousands evacuated

Days of unusually heavy rains around China’s capital, Beijing, have flooded houses, torn apart roads and left at least 20 people dead and 27 missing, state media

Beijing orders outdoor work to be halted as scorching summer heat soars

Employers in Beijing were ordered yesterday by the government to stop outdoor work after scorching summer heat in the Chinese capital was forecast to reach 40 degrees centigrade.

Beijing marathon returns but China sticks to ‘zero-Covid’

Thousands of runners took to the streets of China’s capital yesterday for the return of the Beijing marathon after a two-year COVID-19 hiatus, even as

Beijing keeps up pressure on Taiwan with fourth day of drills

China said yesterday it carried out its fourth consecutive day of military drills in the air and sea around Taiwan in the wake of U.S. House

Beijing rejects Canadian, Australian charges in air encounters

China defended its military pilots yesterday, saying they acted properly and were protecting its sovereignty, following recent complaints by Canada and Australia that Chinese planes engaged

As war rages, Paralympics open in Beijing without Russia

The Winter Paralympics opened Friday in Beijing with the Russian athletes sent home, the Ukrainian team escaping a war zone to get to China and an impassioned

Samaranch voted back on IOC executive board at Beijing Games

The International Olympic Committee member who oversaw preparations for the Beijing Games was voted back onto the body’s executive board on Saturday. Juan Antonio

Beijing sending large Ebola relief team to West Africa

China is ramping up its assistance in the fight against Ebola by dispatching an additional 232 army medical workers to West Africa, state media reported yesterday. The latest contingent to be sent

Beijing | Scaffold collapse at top school kills 10

A scaffolding collapse at one of Beijing's most prestigious high schools yesterday killed 10 construction workers and injured four others, officials said. The accident occurred at the start of the school

Beijing to investigate ex-President Hu’s top aide

  The top aide to former Chinese President Hu Jintao has been placed under investigation for unspecified disciplinary violations, the official Xinhua News Agency said earlier this week, in a sign

Beijing secures construction of European railway

China secured a deal yesterday to construct a high-speed train link between the Belgrade and Budapest that will cut travel time between the Serbian and Hungarian capitals from eight hours to

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