This day in history | 1957 British public gets ‘Asian Flu’ vaccine

The so-called Asian Flu pandemic has already killed thousands of people around the globe - many of them in the United States. The virus is believed to have originated in North

This day in history | 1955 James Dean killed in car smash

The Hollywood film star James Dean has been killed in a road accident in California, USA. The 24-year-old actor was behind the wheel of his German-made Porsche sports car when it

This day in history | 1978 Catholics mourn Pope’s death

Courtesy BBC News In context Two weeks later the conclave elected the first Polish pope - Karol Wojtyla, who took the name John Paul II. A whiff of conspiracy hung over

This day in history | 2000 ‘Provocative’ mosque visit sparks riots

Palestinians and Israeli police have clashed in the worst violence for several years at Jerusalem’s holiest site, the compound around Al-Aqsa mosque. The violence began after a highly controversial tour of

This day in history | 1968 Musical Hair opens as censors withdraw

The American hippy musical “Hair” has opened in London - one day after the abolition of theatre censorship. Until yesterday, some of the scenes in the musical, written by out-of-work actors

This day in history | 1975 First Britons conquer Everest

Dougal Haston and Doug Scott have become the first Britons to reach the summit of the world’s highest mountain. The men arrived at the top of Mount Everest via the previously

This day in history | 2001 Simpson smuggled into Afghanistan

The BBC’s world affairs editor has become the only television reporter to broadcast from Taleban-held Afghanistan as the country prepares for an American attack. John Simpson and a cameraman were smuggled

This day in history | 1998 Clinton’s Grand Jury testimony released

Bill Clinton’s testimony about his relationship with a young female assistant has been released to the United States public. The video of the American president’s 17 August interview in front of

This day in history | 1999 UN force arrives in East Timor

A multinational peacekeeping force has landed in East Timor in an attempt to restore law and order to the territory. The UN force has been sent to the island to end

This day in history | 2001 Workers return to Wall Street

New Yorkers have been returning to work six days after the terror attacks which devastated the heart of their city. Thousands are believed dead after hijackers deliberately flew three passenger planes

This day in history | 1992 UK crashes out of ERM

The government has suspended Britain’s membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. The UK’s prime minister and chancellor tried all day to prop up a failing pound and withdrawal from the

This day in history | 1964 The Sun newspaper is born

The Sun newspaper is published today for the first time. It is replacing the Mirror Group’s Daily Herald, which has been losing readers and advertising revenue for several years. The newest arrival

This day in history | 1981 Queen’s ‘fantasy assassin’ jailed

The Queen was startled when 17-year-old Marcus Sarjeant fired several shots in her direction as she was riding in a parade down the Mall in June, but was unharmed. Lord Chief

This day in history | 1993 Rabin and Arafat shake on peace deal

The Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, have shaken hands before cheering crowds on the White House lawn in Washington. The handshake - the first

This day in history | 1963 American Express comes to Britain

American Express, one of the world’s largest banking houses, has opened a credit card service in Britain. Holders of the cards will be able to use them at nearly 3,000 hotels,

This day in history | 1976 Chairman Mao Zedong dies

The chief architect of the Chinese revolution, Chairman Mao Zedong, has died at the age of 82. His death - at 10 minutes past midnight - was announced by the Central

This day in history | 1986 Pinochet survives rebel ambush

The president of Chile has escaped an attempt on his life in a fierce attack which killed five of his bodyguards and wounded 11 more. General Augusto Pinochet’s motorcade was ambushed

This day in history | 1984: Epidemic ‘spreads to second hospital’

Three more people have died in the food poisoning epidemic at hospitals in Yorkshire bringing the total number of deaths to 22. The outbreak began at Stanley Royd Psychiatric hospital in

This day in history | 1997 Diana’s funeral watched by millions

Britain and the world have said farewell to Diana, Princess of Wales, at the end of an unprecedented week of mourning. A four mile procession brought her coffin to Westminster Abbey,

This day in history | 1954 National Trust buys remote island

The National Trust for Scotland has taken control of Fair Isle, famous for its bird life and knitted sweaters. The remote island situated between Shetland and Orkney was bought by George

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