World Views | Moderna vaccine whiplash demands better disclosure

  Interpreting drug trial data releases is difficult in the best of circumstances. And usually, it’s just a problem for the subset of investors who focus on the sector. In the

World Views | How to make coronavirus restrictions easier to swallow

  To address the coronavirus pandemic, it’s essential to influence human behavior; to promote social distancing, to get people to wear masks, to encourage people to stay home. Many nations have imposed mandates

World Views | Google and Twitter are right. Workers should stay home

  The more I read and hear about what offices will be like as they reopen, the more dystopian it sounds: empty desks, no meetings, everyone keeping their distance from one another. I

World Views | The coronavirus isn’t the end of your career

  For the hotel chef who can’t afford his nine prescriptions, losing a job could be a matter of life and death. Even among the employed, fear of what’s around the

World Views | Vast numbers of unemployed will undermine China’s recovery on NPC’s watch

  Millions of Chinese people are being thrown out of work by the collapse in global demand and a slow restart of the domestic economy. A lack of clarity about exactly

World Views | Reinventing holidays for the coronavirus era

  The world’s biggest package-holiday company has given a glimpse of what vacations will look like as long as the novel coronavirus remains a potent health threat. Say goodbye to the all-you-can

World Views | Students can’t afford to take the whole summer off

  Having slogged through weeks of unevenly administered distance learning, schools in the U.S. are preparing to shut down for the summer. Amid the stress of the pandemic, students, teachers and

World Views | Half-time high school may be just what students need

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, Bloomberg Opinion will be running a series of features by our columnists that consider the long-term consequences of the crisis. This column is part of

World Views | Senators’ stock trades would make a poker cheat blush

  One dispiriting story of the Covid-19 pandemic is that four U.S. senators sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock in the days after getting a classified briefing on the

World Views | Diamonds need some new best friends

  It’s looking decidedly somber out there for the world’s favorite sparkly stone. Diamonds were ailing even before the coronavirus came along. Now, weeks into lockdowns in the U.S. and elsewhere, all

World Views | Singapore proves there’s no textbook virus response

  Once lauded as a beacon in the fight against Covid-19, Singapore reached an unenviable milestone this week: the most cases in Southeast Asia. Soaring infections suggest rapidly tightening restrictions on social

World Views

TAIWAN The founder of a bookshop specializing in texts critical of China’s Communist Party leaders was attacked with red paint in Taiwan yesterday, but suffered no serious physical injuries. Lam

World Views | A wealth tax isn’t the right way to pay for the pandemic

  An epidemic is often referred to as a “great leveler” since viruses infect people indiscriminately regardless of their net worth. However, the economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic will be very

World Views | Why science won’t ace its Covid-19 test

  A New York Times article published earlier this month proclaimed that, according to scientists, “never before have so many of the world’s researchers focused so urgently on a single topic.”

World Views | Humans have themselves to blame for Covid-19

  No one could have predicted the timing and trajectory of the Covid-19 pandemic, triggered by a novel coronavirus leaping from a bat into a pangolin (apparently) and from there into a person.

World Views

SOUTH KOREA reported 32 additional cases of the coronavirus over the past 24 hours, a continued downward trend in new infections in the country. The Korea Centers for Disease Control

World Views | China is reopening its wet markets. That’s good

  Here’s one more issue to add to the bonfire of tensions with China brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. The country is reportedly reopening its wet markets, the fresh produce stalls

World Views | Cash and credit cards are dirty

  Cash is dirty. Credit cards may be even dirtier. That’s a problem in this new germophobic world created by the coronavirus. There will likely be new winners and losers as consumers

World Views

CHINESE officials say dry conditions, high temperatures and a sudden change in wind direction all contributed to the deaths of 19 people in a forest fire in mountainous southwestern China.

World Views

PANDEMIC Bells tolled in Madrid’s deserted central square and flags were lowered in a day of mourning yesterday as Spain raced to build field hospitals to treat an onslaught of

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