Weather alert, mild day | Students left outside schools unaware of suspension

 Several students were left outside their schools yesterday after the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) announced, at 6 a.m., that kindergartens, primary schools and special education schools were to suspend classes for the whole day. 

The region’s Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) issued a rainstorm warning at 4.35 a.m. yesterday, followed by DSEJ’s school suspension announcement.

According to a report by TDM, some primary school students still went to school alone without knowing of the suspension. Upon arrival, they waited outside the facilities.

Some parents, who live in neighboring Zhuhai and send their children to Macau to study, also said that they only learned of the class suspension after they had already crossed the border to Macau. Schools in Zhuhai operated as usual.

Parents complained that DSEJ issued the school suspension at a short notice. The weather conditions during the day were mild.

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