EU launches action against China over Lithuania row

  The European Union said yesterday it has launched action against China at world trade’s governing body for engaging in discriminatory practices against Lithuania, saying that Beijing’s

WHO’s in trouble | Staff complaint, email allege racism and abuse in Asia

Current and former staffers have accused the top director of the World Health Organization in the Western Pacific of racist, unethical and abusive behavior that has undermined

Afghanistan | UN chief urges major aid increase, unfreezing assets

The U.N. chief urged nations yesterday to greatly boost humanitarian aid for millions of Afghans living in “a frozen hell” and release nearly $9

This day in history | 1986 Seven dead in space shuttle disaster

The American space shuttle, Challenger, has exploded killing all seven astronauts on board. The five men and two women - including the first teacher in space - were just

Drive In | Tim Roth drops out, in paradise, in ‘Sundown’

A man sits on the edge of an infinity pool contemplating his existence in Michel Franco’s “ Sundown.” It’s one of many such ennui-laden images, though the

Book It | Allende’s ‘Violeta,’ an epic South American tale

Chilean writer Isabel Allende’s latest novel is “Violeta,” an epic tale that transports readers across a century of South American history, through economic collapse, dictatorship and

TASTE OF EDESIA | Exquisite Celebrations 

February is almost here and it’s the special time of year to spend with loved ones. For both Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, St.

Picasso heirs launch digital art piece to ride ‘crypto’ wave

Pablo, meet Crypto. Heirs of Pablo Picasso, the famed 20th-century Spanish artist, are vaulting into 21st-century commerce by selling 1,010 digital art pieces of one of

The Buzz | World remembers Holocaust as antisemitism rises in pandemic

Holocaust survivors and politicians warned about the resurgence of antisemitism and Holocaust denial as the world remembered Nazi atrocities and commemorated the 77th anniversary of the liberation of

World Views | omicron or curbing the pandemic

In the short time since the omicron variant was identified in South Africa in November 2021, researchers have quickly learned that it has three unique characteristics: It spreads efficiently and quickly, it

Friday, January 28, 2022 – edition no. 3943

  * Two quarantines — Hong Kong shortens quarantine for foreign arrivals to 14 days, Macau keeps it unchanged * Macau GP to consider EV races if they gain in popularity * A total

Hao vs LVS | Defense lawyer claims AAEC, not LVS, severed ties before license tender

Connections between the Asian American Entertainment Corporation (AAEC) and the local subsidiaries of Las Vegas Sands Corporation (LVS), set up to bid for the 2001-2002 gaming

Academic estimates up to 21.7 million tourist arrivals in 2022

An academic has estimated that the city will see this year’s tourist arrivals ranging from 9.9 million to 21.7 million. The University of Macau (UM)

Number of gaming promoters down 50% following junket scandal

The number of gambling promoter licenses in the city has decreased nearly 50% in just one year in the aftermath of the arrest of Suncity Group

Leong Wai Man to serve as IC president from Feb. 1

The SAR government has appointed Leong Wai Man as president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) for a term of one year, according to the Official Gazette yesterday.

Crime | PJ apprehends six suspects from cross-border loan shark syndicate

A cross-border loan shark syndicate was busted in a joint operation involving the local and mainland police, which arrested nearly 50 suspects, Judiciary Police (PJ) announced

Gambling sector’s service quality remains steady

A recent study has confirmed that the quality of service in the city’s gambling sector has remained at the same level as in 2020. With

DSEDJ deputy to replace Lou Pak Sang

Beijing directs further reform of GBA A joint statement from National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing yesterday advocates relaxing market

China 2008 vs 2022 | Richer, stronger, more confrontational

China has undergone history-making change since the last time it was an Olympic host in 2008: It is richer, more heavily armed and openly confrontational.

Indonesia | Jakarta is sinking, polluted and now moving

Jakarta is congested, polluted, prone to earthquakes and rapidly sinking into the Java Sea. Now the government is leaving, and moving the country’s capital to the island

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