Myanmar hosts joint naval exercise with Russia, its close ally and top arms supplier

The military-run Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar is holding its first joint naval exercise with Russia, state media reported, with the countries carrying out maneuvers

Brazil police search Portugal’s Consulate in Rio as part of a graft investigation

Brazilian federal police conducted searches at five locations, including the Portuguese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, as part of a corruption investigation. Portuguese public prosecutors and Portuguese

Biden-Xi meeting still on track, no major breakthroughs expected

The anticipated meeting between President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping is on track for next week on the sidelines of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San

Thursday, November 9, 2023 – edition no. 4364

  * AL Plenary | Macau adopts new minimum wage * Gaming | Melco to relaunch House of Dancing Water * GBA | HK working towards cross-boundary data flow * China and PSCs Film

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