Talking to the dead

Mourners can now speak to an AI version of the dead. But will that help with grief? When Michael Bommer found out that he

Son’s South Koreans aim for a momentum shift in WC Asian qualifying

After a tough 2024 so far, Son Heung-min and his South Korea teammates can change momentum with a win over Singapore yesterday that would be enough to

Earth warming at record rate, but no evidence of climate change accelerating

The rate Earth is warming hit an all-time high in 2023 with 92% of last year’s surprising record-shattering heat caused by humans, top scientists calculated.

A year of elections in democracies around the world is revealing deep dissatisfaction

In a community center in East London, about 20 men gathered for their regular lunch meeting, sipping coffee and tea from mismatched mugs and engaging in an increasingly

Private credit and mini-millionaires don’t mix

As fundraising from pension and endowment funds slows, private credit managers have set their eyes on wealthy individuals. The success of the $54 billion Blackstone Private Credit Fund,

Thursday, June 6, 2024 – edition no. 4498

— Pollution has increased after the pandemic years as the city resumes business activities mainly in the tourism sector, gov’t agency report reveals * G2E Asia | Smart tables revolutionize casino

A year of elections in democracies around the world is revealing deep dissatisfaction among voters

As half the world’s population votes in elections this year, voters are in a foul mood. From South Korea to Argentina, incumbents have been ousted in election after election.

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