Philippines joins Japan-led naval drills as brushes with China rise in the disputed sea

Japan led an annual multinational naval exercise that included the Philippines as an observer for the first time, as Filipino coast guard vessels

Putin visits Asian neighbor, part of his efforts to cement ties with ex-Soviet allies

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Kazakhstan yesterday, part of his efforts to cement ties with the ex-Soviet neighbor and major economic partner in the midst of

US and South Korea close ranks on common global issues during Blinken visit

The United States and South Korea closed ranks behind common approaches to North Korea, Russia and China yesterday, vowing to continue to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion

An industrial robot crushed a worker to death at a vegetable packing plant

An industrial robot grabbed and crushed a worker to death at a vegetable packaging plant in South Korea, police said yesterday, as they investigated whether

US plans to build a $553M terminal in Colombo port in rivalry with China

The U.S. announced a $553 million project yesterday to build a deep-water shipping container terminal in Sri Lanka’s Port of Colombo as it competes with China in international development

Myanmar hosts joint naval exercise with Russia, its close ally and top arms supplier

The military-run Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar is holding its first joint naval exercise with Russia, state media reported, with the countries carrying out maneuvers

Resistance claims first capture of a district capital from regular forces

Armed resistance groups fighting Myanmar ‘s military government seized a district capital in the north this week after taking state offices and a police station in

Prince William cheers on 15 finalists of Earthshot Prize ahead of awards ceremony

Britain’s Prince William cheered on 15 finalists of his third Earthshot Prize in Singapore yesterday ahead of the awards ceremony where five of them will win

PM Lee plans to step down and hand over to his deputy before the 2025 election

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said this week he planned to bow out and hand over power to his deputy, Lawrence Wong, late next year, before

Seoul plans to launch its first military spy satellite on Nov. 30

South Korea said yesterday it plans to launch its first domestically built spy satellite at the end of this month to better monitor rival North Korea,

Aid trickles in to Nepal villages struck by earthquake as survivors salvage belongings from rubble

Aid trickled in to villages yesterday in Nepal’s northwest mountains flattened by a strong earthquake over the weekend as villagers searched through the rubble of

Radio anchor fatally shot while on Facebook livestream watched by followers

A radio anchor was fatally shot by a man inside his southern Philippine station yesterday in a brazen attack that was witnessed by people watching the program

North Korea is closing some diplomatic missions in what may be a sign of its economic troubles

North Korea confirmed Friday that it’s closing some of its diplomatic missions abroad, a move that rival South Korea suspects is likely the latest sign

Prime minister to raise imprisoned democracy blogger during China visit

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said yesterday he will raise the plight of a detained Australian democracy blogger with Chinese leaders during a state visit to China.

Deli and Dhaka launch new India-assisted rail projects amid opposition protests

India and Bangladesh launched two new railway links and a thermal power plant unit yesterday to strengthen connections and energy security in the region amid strong

PLA’s forces shadow a Philippine navy ship near disputed shoal, sparking new exchange of warnings

A Philippine navy patrol ship was shadowed by Chinese forces near a disputed shoal in the South China Sea, sparking a fresh exchange of accusations and warnings between

Three die as police clash with opposition supporters seeking prime minister’s resignation

Police in Bangladesh yesterday clashed with opposition supporters as the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) enforced a three-day transport blockade across the country to demand

Residents hold subdued Halloween celebrations a year after party crush killed about 160 people

Halloween celebrations in South Korea were subdued on the eve of the first anniversary of a harrowing crowd surge that killed about 160 people in a Seoul alleyway.

Malaysia picks powerful ruler of Johor state as country’s new king under rotation system

Malaysia ‘s royal families have elected the powerful and wealthy ruler of southern Johor state as the country’s new king under a unique rotating monarchy system,

Australia-US Biden calls ally ‘an anchor to peace and prosperity’ during state visit from Albanese

President Joe Biden described Australia as “an anchor to peace and prosperity” while standing alongside Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the White House yesterday , part of

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