Philippines | Duterte ready to clash with Catholic church on birth control

The Philippine president-elect said yesterday he would aggressively promote artificial birth control in the country even at the risk of getting in a fight with the dominant Catholic church, which

India joins elite missile tech group controlling global sale

India yesterday joined an exclusive club of countries controlling exports in missile technology, just a day after bemoaning its exclusion from another elite group that governs international nuclear fuel and

Indonesia tries to steer convicted militants to new lives

In the heart of Solo city, not far from the Islamic boarding school founded by the radical cleric who inspired the 2002 Bali bombings, the staff of an unremarkable-looking restaurant

Japan | No July 4 fireworks at US bases after Okinawa rape

There will be no Fourth of July fireworks for American troops in Japan this year because of restrictions imposed after a former U.S. Marine was accused of raping and murdering

New Zealand | Man gets prison time for sending militant videos

A New Zealand man was sentenced yesterday to more than three years in prison for distributing Islamic militant videos in the first case of its type in the South Pacific

Indochina | Suu Kyi tackles migrant workers’ plight during Thailand trip

In a demonstration of her popular appeal, Myanmar de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi received a rapturous welcome yesterday as she presided over a town hall-type meeting with some

Koreas | South military: North fires 2 suspected midrange missiles

In a remarkable show of persistence, North Korea yesterday fired two suspected powerful new Musudan midrange ballistic missiles, U.S. and South Korean military officials said, its fifth and sixth such

Australia | Asylum seeker boats have been turned back

Australia’s ruling party said yesterday that it had turned back 28 boats to prevent asylum seekers reaching Australia during its three years in power and warned that such vigilance would

Thailand | PM calls Ban Ki-moon to talk about preparation for constitutional referendum

Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during a telephone conversation on Monday that Thailand is proceeding toward civilian rule according to its roadmap. The comment comes

Nepal | Therapist sets record in 50-hour non-stop yoga

A Nepali yoga therapist Uttam Muktan has set a Guinness World Record for performing longest yoga marathon under the male category. Thirty-year-old Muktan received the certificate from Guinness World Records on

Vietnam | Reporter’s press card revoked for insulting military

A Vietnamese reporter’s press card has been revoked for “insulting” the military in an online post after a search plane crashed last week while looking for a missing fighter jet,

Myanmar punishes army officers for recruiting minors

Myanmar military authorities have recently punished 382 military personnel including 73 officers for recruiting child soldiers, the Committee for Prevention of Minors from Military Service announced yesterday. In March, Myanmar

Japan utility: Delay in declaring ‘meltdown’ was cover-up

The utility that ran the Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged yesterday its delayed disclosure of the meltdowns at three reactors was tantamount to a cover-up and apologized for it. Tokyo Electric Power

KOREAS | Before hearing, Pyongyang pushes claim South abducted women

As South Korea’s main spy agency prepares a courtroom defense of its continued detention of 12 North Korean waitresses it says fled from China, Pyongyang is using the women’s relatives

South China Sea | Indonesia vows more decisive action after Chinese ship spat

Indonesia said it will continue to take “decisive” action against foreign ships operating illegally in waters under its jurisdiction after Beijing criticized its navy for shooting at Chinese fishing vessels. Indonesian

Landslides, floods kill 35 on Indonesia’s Java island

At least 35 people have been killed by landslides and floods on Indonesia’s Java island and many others are missing, an official said yesterday. Dozens of houses were buried in the landslides and

India sure of China’s support for nuclear group’s membership

India said yesterday that it was confident of winning China’s support for U.S.-backed efforts for its membership in a group of 48 nations controlling access to sensitive nuclear technology. External Affairs

Japan | Massive protest on Okinawa opposes US military after killing

Tens of thousands of people on Okinawa protested yesterday against the presence of U.S. military bases on the Japanese island, many wearing black to mourn the rape and killing of

US, North Korea both set to attend security forum in China

Senior diplomats of the U.S. and North Korea are slated to attend a security conference in Beijing next week, but the State Department said Friday there is no plan for direct talks

Bangladesh | Police arrest Islamic suspect in attack on publisher

The detentions of thousands of suspected criminals across Bangladesh led to the arrest of a suspected member of a banned Islamist group accused of violently attacking a publisher last year,

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