Lockdowns and the slowdown of the Chinese economy

In the face of China’s worst outbreaks of Covid-19, authorities are continuing to pursue a zero-Covid policy, having imposed indefinite lockdowns on approximately 373 million people in at least 45

The real estate sector and the economic slowdown in China (II)

Rising real estate prices and underlying speculation, leveraged in bank financing and intertwined with land allocated by local governments, have driven the real estate sector into an unsustainable situation. This

The real estate sector and the economic slowdown in China (I)

Although China's gross domestic profit (GDP) growth reached Real estate accounts for In order to stabilize housing prices, force real estate developers to reduce bank debt and reduce commercial banks'

European investment and endless lockdowns in China

On May 5, The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, in partnership with Roland Berger, released a survey on the The introduction in 2022 of more stringent Covid-19 containment

‘Global NATO’ and the long-term precedent

From time to time the proposal for a "global NATO" appears on the table: that is, the extension of NATO's "jurisdiction" to the global scale. According to this idea, NATO and

The financing of the BRI

The estimated overall cost of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is, by nature, ill-defined as there are still projects being discussed and several of those agreed upon may not

Globalization, China and the war in Ukraine

Since implementing economic reforms in 1979, with the opening to foreign trade and investment, China experienced One of the factors contributing to this growth is globalization.

The dollar, other currencies and control over the international financial system

After the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, other currencies began to maintain a fixed exchange rate with the US dollar (dßollar), which in turn was backed with gold - the

India and the war in Ukraine

The Republic of India is one of the countries that has taken a neutral position when it comes to the war in Ukraine. Indian neutrality stems from historical reasons. Russia's

China and the war in Ukraine: much to lose and little to gain

The war spurred by the invasion of Ukraine translates to a flagrant violation of international law, which is the foundation of one of the pillars of China's foreign policy -

From ‘Great Russia’ to ‘Little China’

Until the invasion of Ukraine, European countries considered economic interdependence, in addition to NATO's military presence, to be the main assurance of peace on the European continent. Russia had much

The collapse of the Russian economy

Following the invasion (on February 24) of Ukraine by Russia, the EU and the Western world imposed severe sanctions, including financial ones. Transactions with seven of Russia’s largest

From the extraterritoriality of sanctions to the power of European citizens

European public opinion finds it unacceptable that Russian oligarchs are able to continue operating from countries that are largely dependent on the EU (Switzerland quickly realized this). Or that Russian

The US-China Trade Agreement and American semantic rhetoric

Despite the trade war between the US and China, the endless blacklists of Chinese companies in the US, along with the new Biden Administration’s anti-China stance, and the

The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment

At the end of 2020, the EU Council and Commission concluded an agreement in principle on a In terms of concrete elements, the most important is the strong desire of

Hold me back or I’ll invade! – Putin’s Ukraine gambit 

According to the US government, the Russian armies' invasion of Ukraine is imminent... for several days now. Foreigners are pressured to leave Ukraine and American special troops are being transferred

Made in China 2025 and the new multipolar world

In 2015, China adopted one of its most ambitious plans – the Made in China (MIC) 2025. MIC 2025 is an initiative that aims to guarantee China’s position as

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