There’s no doubt about it, my behaviour feels more controlled in Macau than in most places I’ve been. Not that I’m much of a wild thing, but it would have

HK OBSERVER: Pandora’s Box

From the perspective of Beijing there seems to be no going back from the National People’s Congress Standing Committee’s recommendations for universal suffrage for the 2017 Chief Executive election here.

VOX PARVA: Poorest of the poor

How would you define poor? If we opt for an international standard, economic data will help us to draw a poverty threshold. Theoretically, we can collect the statistics to find

Rear Window: Source code

Occupy Central member Benny Tai Yiu-ting’s admission of an objective defeat regarding the 2017 full democratic electoral method, and the corresponding victory of the National People’s Congress by their refusal

Kapok: Hong Kong and us

The recent debate over universal suffrage for the 2017 election of the Chief Executive in Hong Kong, and the much anticipated ruling made by the National People’s Congress (NPC) last

World Views: This Is what your brain might look like on telepathy

Big news in the world of science and technology: Scientists just invented a form of telepathy. Actually, it’s a form of noninvasive electronic brain-to-brain communication. The transmission side is pretty

Our Desk: The neglected population

I was interviewing the owner of a paper sacrifice offering shop last month when several of her customers came in and asked for some paper sacrifices. When the owner was looking

Our Desk: Awakening Macau

The campaign has gone beyond organizers’ expectations, and also beyond the expectations of outsiders. The former Portuguese enclave has long been considered less concerned with politics than its neighbor Hong

Insight: Planning with human dimension

Last month in Hong Kong, there was a rally in Mong Kok protesting against the flow of mainland visitors. According to the protesters, the influx of mainlanders is so high

Bizcuits: Newbies

“How long have you been in Macau?” appears an innocent enough question but can be heavily laden with judgement depending upon the answer and enquirer. It’s fulfilling to know one’s

HK Observer |Rights are not given; they are fought for

How can the government expect people here to accept the fake findings of their consultations on political reform as true when 90% of responses came from groups, block opinions and

world views: Keep China honest in Hong Kong’s election

How many times does China’s ruling Communist Party have to say that it opposes “genuine choice” in Hong Kong elections before the local democracy movement considers a Plan B? An answer

Vox Parva: Who cares about the mission?

From the very beginning, I wish to make my stance known about the word “mission.” In the simplest sense, we may use a reference from the Oxford Dictionary: “Mission” refers

World Views: Japan plays game of growth roulette with casinos

MGM Resorts is looking over Tokyo’s famed Tsukiji fish market as a site for a giant casino. The jokes, of course, are on the obvious side. More than humor is

Rear window: Political ‘patchwork’

Running solo has its peculiarities. On one hand, the acting Chief Executive has to find time to campaign as if the electoral committee that casts the necessary votes was not

Kapok: The uniqueness of being only one

Elections get me excited, even when one has no real choice and the predictability of the outcome is no less than 100%. This is uncommon, I admit, as what fills

World Views: Why do more men than women really commit suicide?

Robin Williams’s death has brought welcome attention to the very real problem of suicide in the U.S. From 2000 to 2011, suicides increased to 12.3 per 100,000 people from 10.4.

Our Desk: Curious decisions

Attempting to launch an unofficial referendum on universal suffrage, three pro-democratic groups faced another setback this week, as the Court of Final Appeal (TUI) rejected the Open Macau Society’s plea

World Views: London wont be most influential for long

London is the world’s most influential city, according to a study reproduced in Forbes magazine. As a resident of the British capital for a quarter of a century, that’s both

World Views: Africa goes medieval in its fight against Ebola

As the Ebola epidemic claims new victims at an ever-increasing rate, African governments in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia have instituted a “cordon sanitaire,” deploying troops to forcibly isolate the

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