Bizcuits | Death and other ways to motivate

Take a Master of Business Administration course, any under-graduate business degree or work-place leadership seminar and you will come across many theories on how to motivate employees.

World Views | Smart fiscal discipline is overdue for a comeback

The Congressional Budget Office recently released its revised Budget and Economic Outlook. Its economists estimate that, on present policy, annual deficits of a trillion dollars — between 4

Made in Macao | Insects Awaken

Today, the 6th of March, is a special day this year. It was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, and the beginning of abstinence and fasting for Christians.

World Views| Three things trump can do to keep economy humming

President Donald Trump promised to hit 3 percent growth in 2017 — and the economy just barely made it, according to figures released last week. To keep it

Rear Window | Sailing charted waters

Kitesurfer Hillian Siu had to postpone her pioneer friendship vol across the Pearl River Delta, from Cheung Chau Island in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to the

Kapok | What has been will be again

Not everything is about arithmetic, far from it, as Macao’s Chief Executive election clearly shows. If numbers were all that matters, elections in Macao would seem

Girl About Globe | Clean air, no bull

Here’s an idea. Macau could have a hotel called The New Zealander Macau. No casino. Just hills, cable cars and thermal pools – all indoors.   

Macau Matters | A Tale of Several Pizzas

When teaching, I am a firm believer in starting with the “big picture” and only then looking into various details. For learning to be meaningful and relevant to students

Our Desk | Mandarin or not?

I am pretty sure that not every single French citizen wants tourists to go to France and speak French to them. At least some people have a good

Words Views | A bumpy road to the Oscars could end in triumph for Netflix

The most tumultuous Oscar season in memory might pale in comparison to the aftermath. The best picture race to the 91st Academy Awards remains unpredictable, but odds

Bizcuits | Honey, Honey

Early in my move to Macau, an old-hand expatriate advised me that to maintain healthy equilibrium, I should regularly spend time away from the city. Currently on that

Made in Macao | Post-holiday fitness regime

While the new year is generally the time we make, or try to make, life-changing resolutions, the celebration of Chinese New Year usually results in weight-loss resolutions. After a

Animal Farm | Written in water!

1.The end of the contracts of the two Portuguese legal advisors to the Legislative Assembly came with a justification that was at the time presented by the President

World Views | The UK’s multibillion-dollar inflation scandal

Rarely has a multibillion-dollar scandal been quite so boring. For years, the U.K. has measured inflation using rival indicators, notably the Retail Prices Index and the

Rear Window | Ho Iat Seng: the natural candidate

Today it will be too difficult to spot anybody who disbelieves Ho Iat Seng is to succeed Chui Sai On as Macau’s Chief Executive. Local entrepreneur and president

Kapok | There can be only one

Elections are in the air — it has become palpable. Just a few days ago, Judge Song Man Lei was for the second time appointed as the

Girl About Globe | How China could end Rain and Snow – and avoid Typhoons

William is one of the top three names for newborn boys in the USA. Under Trump, it seems more and more people are making a Will. But

Macau Matters | Rest in Peace Jack Bogle

Jack Bogle, the founder of the Vanguard Group, died in January 2019. Bogle established the Vanguard Group in the 1970’s and it has since grown to be one

Our Desk | Forecasts for a ‘Pig’ Year

To start with, I must say that my knowledge on topics such as astrology, horoscopes, the zodiac and similar things is absolutely null. In fact, my absolute disbelief in

Tax Matters | Tax-related issues in the Macau SAR 2019 budget

The Macau SAR Budget was approved by Law 19/2018, and was published in the Official Gazette on December 31, 2018 (the “2019 Budget”). As usual, it dealt with

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