Macau Matters | The hidden tragedy of suicide

I was recently reading that, in general, suicide rates are falling in most parts of the world. Reflecting on this issue, I feel that suicide in Macau may

Our Desk | On increasing festivals and events

The recent Macao Light Festival was said to be in demand, thus the Macao Government Tourism Office extended the event in order for tourists and residents to further

Bizcuits | Political activism in baking bread

It was many months ago, but it has been sitting uneasily on my mind. A close associate had been developing skills and knowledge of baking bread and

Made in Macau | Into the ‘Cold’

Sometimes keeping track of dates on the calendar becomes quite confusing in this part of the world. Especially in January when we are celebrating the beginning of a new

Rear Window | Coming of age

At first glance, we would not dare to say that MSAR was clearly roaring its engines and taking the fast lane to race towards its 20th anniversary in

Bizcuits | Time: the Christmas gift

Christmas 2018 marks the year we sent nothing to landfill. Ten family members sat down to Christmas dinner of ham (honey-glazed with assistance from the bees

Girl About Globe | ‘Fish and Ships’ law, please.

Fish provide an alibi for doing nothing - ‘Gone Fishing’. They comfort us after a broken heart - ‘plenty more fish in the sea’. And they help us

Views on China | How China risks trashing its amazing growth story

In a recent column, I observed that by many measures, China is the world’s largest economy. This means a number of benefits will now flow — and indeed

Made in Macao | Another kind of Winter Solstice celebration

Aside from making this day a public holiday, the importance of Winter Solstice (Dongzhi) has often been downplayed in recent days. We all know that Winter Solstice is

World Views | China needs a new commitment to economic reform

Forty years ago, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping launched the most dramatic economic transformation in history by encouraging his countrymen to “emancipate” their minds and “seek truth from facts.”

World Views | May’s delaying tactics are making Brexit worse

It’s unclear what U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May hoped to get from leaders of the European Union at their recent summit. As things turned out, she got less

Tax Matters | Competitive tax advantages of the Macau SAR

The Macau tax system has a lot of competitive advantages vis-à-vis other territories that people, especially international economic groups, do not yet seem to be fully aware of.

Kapok | Yellow is the new red

In a recent op-ed published in the South China Morning Post, renowned blogger Jason Ng draws an instructive parallel between the on-going Yellow Vests Movement

Girl About Globe | An Alternative Preview of Christmas Toys

At this time of year, it’s hard to raise your eyes from writing Christmas cards (ho ho ho) without seeing a list of ‘Best Selling Toys for 2018.’

Macau Matters | Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

All round the world, including Macau I am sure, many people suffer from poor sleep quality/quantity, resulting in many health, economic and social issues. For example, a 2013

Our Desk | The silver lining is what is missing

- For Cantonese, please press 1; for Portuguese, please press 2; for English, please press 3; for Mandarin, please press 4. - Du… du… du… du… du…,

Rear Window | Macau reinventing itself…again

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Lisbon, ending in a tour that took him to the G-20 in Argentina, to Panama and Spain, would necessarily be followed

Bizcuits | The New Vice: Sustainability

Sustainability is about to go out of fashion, and for fundamentally good reasons. Fast becoming a bogus ethical term, “sustainability” is used by companies in their Corporate

Made in Macao | Coming of the ‘Heavy Snow’

Heavy Snow is approaching! Unfortunately, it is not as though we are going to have real snow in Macao. I am, of course, referring to one of the

World Views | Peace talks over Yemen war are worth pursuing

The prospect of peace talks over war-ravaged Yemen is welcome, even if the chances of a permanent end to hostilities aren’t good. The meetings in Sweden should mean

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