Bizcuits | Weeping Walls and Wild Swans

March is depressing and Dark. One day, you wake up to the tears of an oppressing atmosphere. The walls weep in March. In adjusting to a new

Opinion | The art of trade war (hint – China wrote the book)

As the world’s largest economies stumble toward an all-out trade war, President Donald Trump is tweeting in all-caps, but carrying a small stick. After White House chief

Made in Macao | From street snacks to must-buy souvenirs

When we think about traditional industries in Macao, aside from gaming, we often think about the manufacturing of textiles, fire crackers, matches and Chinese cakes. While most of these

Views On China | Cool the Hong Kong peg fever (again). It’s going nowhere

Rumors of the Hong Kong dollar peg’s impending demise have always been vastly exaggerated. This time is no different. At 7.8321 to one U.S. dollar, the city’s

Our Desk | On calling Macau home

Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum . Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is “Ich bin ein Berliner!”... All free

Rear Window | Polishing the judiciary

Everyone saw it coming! The Secretary for Administration and Justice’s candid confirmation that the proposal to amend the MSAR judiciary law will or would prevent foreign judges from

Kapok | Unsophisticated zealots

Some people never fail to disappoint you, or rather to meet your expectations as being the least principled human beings there are. Former dancers incapable of uttering

Opinion | How Hong Kong could scrap income tax and prosper

It may be a good problem to have, but it’s a problem nevertheless. In his annual budget speech yesterday, Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan announced a

Girl About Globe | The political bite of Dog Year

Just two weeks in, and I have high hopes for the Year of the Dog. It has the potential to help with world peace, feminist issues and the

Macau Matters | Some transport gripes

Hac Sa Beach on Coloane Island was a cheap car park for Macau residents for years until they recently put in parking meters. After less than 3 years

Our Desk | On why Filipino migrants are fond of the president

Family members of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte visited both Hong Kong and Macau over the weekend to thank the migrant workers for their support for the administration of

Insight | ‘What’s he building in there?’*

The government is speeding up the legislative process for a new cybersecurity law which has been scheduled for the second half of 2018. A public consultation on the

Bizcuits | Visa Hike: for or against the powerless?

Transit visa fees from China over Macau increased last Sunday from RMB50 to RMB340 – a surge of over 600 percentage. This has come without warning and strangely

Made in Macao | On CNY red packets

The most popular tradition of the Lunar New Year is of course the practice of giving and receiving Lai Si (red packets). But not everyone knows that there are

World Views | Rudderless Britain needs a second Brexit referendum

Almost two years after the U.K. voted to quit the European Union, and barely more than a year before the actual exit is scheduled to happen, an all

World Views | Cheating Russians should have never been in Olympics

It sounds like some kind of cheap joke, though no one here seems to be laughing about the Russian curler who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs.

Kapok | The colonial past

Reading what Lei Chan U had to say this week about the functions of the Permanent Council for Social Dialogue startled me somehow. During an oral interpellation addressed

Girl About Globe | Fabuary. Or Flabuary?

Dryathlon, Dry January and Veganuary seem so long ago. It’s now halfway through a month that hitherto has had no major nickname. ‘Hi, I’m February. Yep, just February.

Macau Matters | How big data will transform medicine

I always look forward to getting my weekly information “fix” from The Economist, and a few recent stories in have pointed out that data analysis, especially using Artificial

World briefs

INDONESIA A court sentenced the leader of an Islamic State group-affiliated militant network in Indonesia to seven years in prison yesterday for involvement in smuggling guns from the

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