Girl About Globe | Braids? Beware the doublecrossing Dutch

Strategies to avoid heatstroke during Hong Kong’s summer are much discussed. But there’s another issue: how to dodge heatwaves. You know, the kind that hair crinkles into when

World Views | What Germany wants is far from what Europe needs

If polls are correct, Angela Merkel is on track to win a record fourth term as German chancellor on Sept. 24. The temptation, after such a long run

World Views | Selling a piece of Hong Kong history

A piece of Hong Kong’s history won’t come cheap. That’s why Mandarin Oriental International Ltd.’s USD3.8 billion disposal of the Excelsior Hotel, featured in the Pink Panther movies

Insight | Authoritarianism and paranoia

1. As I pen this down, it would be too early to comment on the legislative election results, but it is possible to comment on the campaign. Comparing

Kapok | Unfair it is

In a two-round election, you follow your heart in the first round and trust your brain in the second. In Macao, we only have one round, so both

Made in Macao | Fly me to the moon

These days, I have been hearing annual leave experts discussing how, by taking leave on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on 4 October – together

Legal Wise by MdME | Macau: the real (e)state

Since April this year, we have been seeing a considerable increase in the number of property transactions, such as the sale of three residential buildings, representing around 610 residential

Macau Matters | Improving construction productivity

A recent article in The Economist points out the low productivity and poor performance of the global construction industry. It identifies several things that governments and others can

Our Desk | On AL elections, who is who?

Political groups have been taking it up a gear in their current election campaigns, as it is just four days shy of the city’s Legislative Assembly (AL) elections.

Rear Window | Smear tactics

Why we are not surprised a jot that the hyper-regulated campaign for the September 17th Legislative Elections could not limit itself to the realm of low politics and just

Bizcuits | Opportunism in Hato

It is the perfect storm. Pressure is building from multiple fronts. There’s a newly found strength in our community. Since the incredible show of people-force buoyed

Girl About Globe | Paying up pronto in Europe

Compassion for British Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson? How is this possible? Paying up in Europe, that’s how. They face Brexit bills, but the

World views | Asia’s taxi companies give banks real competition

In Southeast Asia, mobile banking is taking on a whole new meaning. Last week, Grab, one of the region’s top ride-hailing companies, announced that users of its app can

Our Desk | Recycling starts early

Around ten years ago, in the city where I grew up, the government one day decided to fine people RMB200 for walking around topless. Of course, we are

Views on China | Wake up, China banks. The bull market’s back, for now

Dreams don’t die in China’s financial markets; they just go into hibernation. Two years after a collapsing bull market stymied banks’ plans to recapitalize, they’re rushing again to

Kapok | Being positive

Let’s start by what could be deemed “positive news” by some: despite (or because) of last week’s upheavals — the dreadful challenges brought about by undeviating Typhoon Hato —

Made in Macao | The importance of stocking up on food

Macao was hard hit by typhoon Hato last week, and every social media has been flooded with discussions, comments, and reflections on this typhoon. Among these, I have

Legal Wise by MdME | Assessment and recovery of damages: be mindful

Last Wednesday, the 23rd of August 2017, started as just another stormy August morning. However, by the time the clock struck eleven, the little-noticed cyclone had begun

Macau Matters | Good Crisis Management

The government performance in managing the recent crisis caused by Typhoon Hato has revealed some major problems of governance in Macau. All the textbooks on managing crises, especially

Our Desk | Mob justice

“The face of fear has neither eyes nor ears. It is blind and deaf to all but its own terrors.” (Victor Kelleher) What to make of the

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