Insight | ‘What’s he building in there?’*

The government is speeding up the legislative process for a new cybersecurity law which has been scheduled for the second half of 2018. A public consultation on the

Bizcuits | Visa Hike: for or against the powerless?

Transit visa fees from China over Macau increased last Sunday from RMB50 to RMB340 – a surge of over 600 percentage. This has come without warning and strangely

Made in Macao | On CNY red packets

The most popular tradition of the Lunar New Year is of course the practice of giving and receiving Lai Si (red packets). But not everyone knows that there are

World Views | Rudderless Britain needs a second Brexit referendum

Almost two years after the U.K. voted to quit the European Union, and barely more than a year before the actual exit is scheduled to happen, an all

World Views | Cheating Russians should have never been in Olympics

It sounds like some kind of cheap joke, though no one here seems to be laughing about the Russian curler who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs.

Kapok | The colonial past

Reading what Lei Chan U had to say this week about the functions of the Permanent Council for Social Dialogue startled me somehow. During an oral interpellation addressed

Girl About Globe | Fabuary. Or Flabuary?

Dryathlon, Dry January and Veganuary seem so long ago. It’s now halfway through a month that hitherto has had no major nickname. ‘Hi, I’m February. Yep, just February.

Macau Matters | How big data will transform medicine

I always look forward to getting my weekly information “fix” from The Economist, and a few recent stories in have pointed out that data analysis, especially using Artificial

World briefs

INDONESIA A court sentenced the leader of an Islamic State group-affiliated militant network in Indonesia to seven years in prison yesterday for involvement in smuggling guns from the

Our Desk | Assumption – The Science of the ‘Ignorant’

In our daily lives, there are many things that we “take for granted” or assume will turn out in a particular way. This applies to work as well

Rear Window | Getting beyond Wynn fall

Suddenly… the barrage of claims of sexual misconduct that brought down conspicuous figures from politics, business and entertainment, starting from about last fall with Harvey Weinstein, have indirectly

Bizcuits | Nobody Wynns

Since when was gambling not synonymous with sex and vice? Marketers may position casinos as family-friendly but the ogling of pole dancers and free-flowing booze at the gaming

Made in Macao | Out with the old

Next Tuesday, February 13, is a special day. No, it is not Chinese New Year yet, and no, it is not special because it is Valentine’s Day’s or Ash

World Views | A compromise on immigration that makes sense

World Views | A compromise on immigration that makes sense It seems increasingly likely that, on immigration, Congress will face a stark choice in the weeks ahead. It can either

Views on China | Hong Kong’s a lush country garden for China developers

Getting tired of high-yield dollar bonds? Don't worry, China's innovative real estate developers can always find a way to tempt you. Profit margins in the market for dollar debt

Views on China | Macau’s no sucker in this Chinese gambling experiment

Beijing has had enough of foreign governments eating its lunch. Authorities are drafting a proposal to allow gambling on Hainan Island, Bloomberg News reported Friday, citing people who

Kapok | Up in smoke

Back in October 2014, it was announced that in order to comply with the Environmental Protection Planning of Macao (2010-2020) and the Transport Policy of Macao (2010-2020), both of which had been

Girl About Globe | Liberte, equalite, boulangerie

French President Emmanuel Macron will receive the first state dinner to be given by President Donald Trump. That handshake in Paris – the one that went on

Macau Matters | The MPhil by Research Degree

The Master of Philosophy by Research degree (the MPhil) is a first research based postgraduate degree that is offered in the English speaking academic tradition, but it is

Opinion | Lucky for Wynn, what happens in Macau stays in Macau

What a difference a few time zones make. Shares in Wynn Resorts Ltd. fell 10.1 percent in the U.S. Friday after the Wall Street Journal reported that dozens

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