1970 British Prime Minister hit by flying egg

The Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, has been hit in the face with an egg thrown by a Young Conservative demonstrator. The raw egg, thrown at close

1998 Ginger leaves the Spice Girls

Geri Halliwell, aka Ginger Spice, has left the chart-topping Spice Girls band. The announcement follows days of increasingly feverish speculation, after Geri - the driving force

1981 Bangladeshi president assassinated

The president of Bangladesh, Zia Rahman, has been assassinated in the south-eastern city of Chittagong. President Zia is believed to have died at 0430 local time

1998 Veterans reject Japanese ‘sorrow’

Emperor Akihito of Japan has spoken of his “deep sorrow and pain” over the suffering inflicted by his country during World War II, but did not apologise for

1961 Kennedy pledges man on Moon

President John F Kennedy has called for millions of dollars to fund a space programme to get the first man on the Moon by 1970. In a

2001 Israel wedding party tragedy

At least 20 people have been killed and hundreds have been injured at a wedding party in Jerusalem after the dance floor collapsed. Guests were left clinging

1958 Historic Sheerness docks to close

The government has announced the closure of one of the oldest naval dockyards in the UK. All 2,500 jobs at Sheerness Docks on the Isle

1969 Apollo 10 gets bird’s eye view of Moon

Two US astronauts aboard Apollo 10 are on their way back to the safety of their mother ship after their lunar module came to within eight nautical

1997 Labour to stub out tobacco sponsorship

The sponsorship of sports events by tobacco firms is to be outlawed, according to Labour’s Health Secretary, Frank Dobson. The announcement, made in a speech to

1950 US and Europe agree Nato aims

Almost exactly a year after signing the North Atlantic Treaty, 12 nations have agreed a permanent organisation for the defence of the United States and Europe.

1943 RAF raid smashes German dams

An audacious RAF bombing raid into the industrial heartland of Germany last night has wrecked three dams serving the Ruhr valley. The attack disrupted water and

2001 Prescott punches protester

The Labour Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, has punched a protester who threw an egg at him during a visit to Rhyl in north Wales. The undignified

1957 Britain drops its first H-bomb

Britain has exploded its first hydrogen bomb as part of a series of tests in the Pacific, the Ministry of Supply has announced. Details of

1967 Stansted to become London’s third airport

The British Government has given the green light to plans to convert Stansted into London’s third airport. President of the Board of Trade Douglas Jay told

1986 Soviets launch space station Mir

The Soviets have opened a new phase in space exploration with the launch of the world’s biggest space station, Mir. The successful launch of Mir comes

1978 Italy mourns murdered statesman

The murdered Italian politician Aldo Moro has been buried after a private funeral service and the Interior Minister, Francesco Cossiga, has resigned. Italians stopped work to

1972 Israeli commandos storm hijacked jet

Twelve Israeli soldiers disguised as maintenance staff have stormed a hijacked Sabena Boeing at Lod airport in Tel Aviv and released the 100 people on board.

1984 Moscow pulls out of US Olympics

Twelve weeks before the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games, the USSR has announced it is boycotting them. It is expected most of the Eastern

1980 SAS rescue ends Iran embassy siege

The siege of the Iranian embassy in London has ended after a dramatic raid by SAS commandos. Five Iranian gunmen were killed and one was arrested.

1979 Election victory for Margaret Thatcher

The Conservative Party has won the general election making Margaret Thatcher Britain’s first ever woman prime minister. Mrs Thatcher arrived at Downing Street to take over from James