Way to go | Qantas airline requires all workers to be fully vaccinated by mid-November

Qantas Group said the Australian airline company will require all of its workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Front-line employees — including cabin crew, pilots and airport staff — must be

This day in history | 1969 Woodstock music festival ends

Thousands of young people are heading home after three days and nights of sex, drugs and rock and roll at the Woodstock music festival. An estimated 400,000 youngsters turned up to

Sri Lanka | Banks on vaccination to see it through delta surge

Manjula Wijesuriya had COVID-19, but his friends and family say that’s not what killed him. When the 51-year-old tutor suffered a heart attack in late July, his loved ones rushed him

The Buzz | NATO chief: Afghan leaders responsible for military collapse

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is blaming a failure of Afghan leadership for the swift collapse of the country’s armed forces but says the alliance must also uncover flaws in its

Obituary | Sudoku maker Maki Kaji dies at 69

Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died, his Japanese company said yesterday. He was 69 and

This day in history | 1998 Clinton admits Lewinsky affair

President of the United States Bill Clinton has admitted having an inappropriate relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. In a televised address Mr Clinton told the American people that

Cambodia | Ex-Khmer Rouge official appeals genocide verdict

The last living leader from the inner circle of Cambodia’s brutal Khmer Rouge regime launched his courtroom appeal yesterday, seeking to convince a long-running international tribunal to overturn his conviction

The Buzz | England eases self-isolation guidelines

People in England who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or are under 18 years of age, will no longer have to self-isolate if they come into contact with someone who

Death toll of powerful earthquake in Haiti soars to 1,297

The death toll from a 7.2-magnitude earthquake in Haiti climbed to 1,297 yesterday (Macau time), a day after the powerful temblor turned thousands of structures into rubble and set off

This day in history | 1977 Rock and roll ‘king’ Presley dies

Presley, 42, was discovered slumped in a bathroom at his mansion in Memphis, Tennessee on Tuesday. He was rushed to the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis but was pronounced dead on

Afghanistan | Taliban enter Kabul, await ‘peaceful transfer’ of power

Taliban fighters entered Kabul yesterday and sought the unconditional surrender of the central government, officials said, as Afghans and foreigners alike raced for the exit, signaling the end of a

The Buzz | China to release two coders who built virus news archive

Two amateur Chinese computer coders who were jailed after archiving deleted news articles about the pandemic’s initial outbreak are set to be released next week after more than a year

This day in history | 1961 Berliners wake to divided city

  Troops in East Germany have sealed the border between East and West Berlin, shutting off the escape route for thousands of refugees from the East. Barbed wire fences up to six

Afghanistan | Taliban take 10th provincial capital, squeezing Kabul

The Taliban captured a strategic provincial capital near Kabul yesterady, the 10th the insurgents have taken in a weeklong sweep across Afghanistan just weeks before the end of the American

The Buzz | More than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents since pandemic began

The frequency of anti-Asian incidents — from taunts to outright assaults — reported in the United States so far this year seems poised to surpass last year despite months of

K-pop star sentenced to three years in prostitution case

A South Korean military court sentenced disgraced K-pop star Seungri to three years in prison yesterday for crimes including providing prostitutes to foreign businessmen. The Defense Ministry said the former member

This day in history | 2003 Gilligan: language ‘wasn’t perfect’

Andrew Gilligan, defence correspondent for the BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, was giving evidence to the Hutton Inquiry on its second day. He stood by the main thrust of his report

Iran | Slow vaccinations fuel anger in unending pandemic

Iranians are suffering through yet another surge in the coronavirus pandemic — their country’s worst yet — and anger is growing at images of vaccinated Westerners without face masks on

The Buzz | Chinese outbreak traced to mahjong, testing site

State media said one of China’s most serious recent outbreaks of COVID-19 partly stemmed from people gathered at mahjong parlors and at a virus testing site. The city of Yangzhou in

Gaming | In-person gamblers lifting US casino market to its best year

Gamblers anxious to hit the slot machines and table games in person after a year of coronavirus restrictions are lifting the U.S. casino industry to its best year ever. But the

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