Ask the Vet | Guide to Canine Seizure Disorders

The most common canine seizure disorder is epilepsy, but there are also other conditions that can cause seizures. As a dog owner it is important to identify

Ask The Vet | Taking Care Of Kittens

Taking in baby kittens is a wonderful experience, but it can be nerve wracking, particularly the first time. Kittens are tiny and fragile, and a

Ask the Vet | Kennel training a puppy

Kennel training a puppy can be an easy task if done correctly. Be patient with your puppy until he is excited to spend time in his kennel.

Ask The Vet | A guide to cat dental care in macau

Cat dental care can help prevent gum disease and infections, periodontitis and gingivitis. It can help prevent the complications of diseases like feline leukemia virus and

Ask the Vet | Abnormal liver function in dogs

Your dog’s liver and pancreas work together to make the digestion process run smoothly and efficiently. The liver stores essential Vitamins A,D,E and K and it produces

Ask The Vet | An intro to dog hearing

External ear There are two part to your dog’s external ear. The pinna and the external ear canal. The pinna, or the ear flap, gives each breed

Ask the Vet | Can cats see colour?

Because there is no form of two-way communications with cats, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what cats see. The only way to accurately describe the sight of cats

Ask the Vet | Active chronic hepatitis in dogs

Active chronic hepatitis is a syndrome in dogs that can have several different causes. The active chronic hepatitis consists of the inflammation of the liver tissues which in

Ask the Vet | Cleaning a cat wound

A cat wound needs proper cleaning in order to prevent infections. There are different types of wounds that can occur: puncture wounds, cuts or burns.  Keep a first

Ask the Vet | 10 symptoms of canine heart murmur

A canine heart murmur is caused when the blood flows abnormally in a canine heart. The abnormal change in the dog heart can cause the right side of the

Ask the Vet | Sugar gliders as pets

Sugar gliders are native to Australia, Tasmania, Indonesia and Papua-New Guinea, but you can buy them in Macau at the exotic pet shops. Their descriptive

Ask the Vet | Cat Anatomy Fundamentals

Some knowledge of cat anatomy can help you better care for your cat. Once you have an understanding of basic cat anatomy, you can be better

Ask the Vet | Causes of seizures in cats

Seizures in cats are a common neurological disorder. If a cat has a seizure, prompt medical attention should be sought, as this could be a sign of a more

Ask the Vet | Canine blood sugar guidelines for diabetic dogs

Monitoring canine blood sugar on a regular basis is a critical part of caring for a diabetic dog in order to ensure the dog’s diabetes is under good

Ask the Vet | Can a dog virus be transmitted to humans

Normally a human cannot get a dog virus like canine influenza or parvo. However, people can catch viruses through exposure to dog faeces and the unsafe handling

Ask the Vet | 10 types of injuries that cause dog limping

A dog limping does not necessarily mean he is getting up in years. It could be caused by a host of medical problems, ranging from trauma to subtle chronic

Ask the Vet | A basic guide to veterinary acupuncture

Veterinary acupuncture is based on the Chinese principles that have been used for centuries to heal various medical problems in humans. In pets, the acupuncture started to be used

Ask the Vet | Brushing Puppy Teeth Step by Step

Brushing puppy teeth is an important step in developing a dental hygiene program for your dog. Owners must be consistent when cleaning teeth and gums to maintain

Ask the Vet | Canine blood sugar guidelines for diabetic dogs

Monitoring canine blood sugar on a regular basis is a critical part of caring for a diabetic dog in order to ensure the dog’s diabetes is under good

Ask the Vet | 10 Causes of Feline Urinary or Faecal Incontinence

Feline incontinence often links to an underlying disease or condition. With incontinence, pets dribble small amount of cat urine all over the house. Incontinence also includes

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