Briefs | IPIM brings 46 local enterprises to int’l import expo

  The Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) has organised 46 enterprises from Macau to exhibit at the China International Import Expo (CIIE). Participating entrepreneurs agreed that they had achieved

Briefs | Newly established companies on decline

A total of 1,394 new companies were incorporated in the third quarter of 2021. This represents a decrease of 326 year-on-year, according to data from the Statistics and Census Service

Briefs | Temperature expected to fall to 13C mid-week

  The Meteorological and Geophysics Bureau is forecasting a cold front that will bring the temperature down this week. Temperatures may reach 14 degrees Celsius in Macau. The bureau expects Wednesday’s

Briefs | CE visiting Shanghai, Hangzhou

  Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng is on a four-day visit to Shanghai and Hangzhou, having accepted the invitation of the Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China to

Briefs | Minimum temperature to drop to 15°C

  The weather is expected to be relatively warm and humid during the weekend, according to forecasts from the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau. As a cold front reaches the South China

Briefs | CE to deliver Policy Address on November 16

  Chief Executive (CE) Ho Iat Seng will deliver the Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2022 at the Legislative Assembly (AL) on November 16. The AL session will be followed

Briefs | Emperor Cinema to make Macau debut on Monday

Emperor Cinemas is coming to Lisboeta Macau next Monday, the cinema firm has announced on its social media page. Further announcements are expected to be made on its website. Recently,

Briefs | UM, Peking University hold accounting conference

  The University of Macau (UM) and Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management jointly held an online conference on auditing and public policy in China. The event was held in preparation

Briefs | Guia Hill pedestrian tunnel drilled through

  The pedestrian tunnel beside the Guia Hill vehicle tunnel has recently been drilled through, with polishing works now underway. Like the parallel vehicle tunnel, the new pedestrian tunnel connects Horta

Briefs | New measure for passengers flying from mainland China

  From today, individuals wishing to travel by plane from mainland China to Macau must present a negative nucleic acid test certificate, performed in the last 48 hours from the day

Briefs | Over 80% of Galaxy employees vaccinated

  Close to 82% of Galaxy Entertainment Group’s employees have been vaccinated to date, the gaming operator announced yesterday. Since the launch of the Government’s vaccination program, “GEG has held different

Briefs | Transport Bureau announces arrangements to make up delayed car inspections

  Extra time slots for car inspections have been added by the Transport Bureau (DSAT) so as to make up for the delayed car inspections due to the recent Covid-19 outbreak

Briefs | Cargo ship beached in Taipa waterway repaired

  A cargo ship that berthed west of the Taipa waterway right before Typhoon Kompasu has been repaired, the Marine and Water Bureau announced. The 50-meter-long cement-carrying vessel experienced flooding due

Briefs | Bill of Taxation Code to be discussed in parliament

  The draft of the Taxation Code will be delivered to the Legislative Assembly for discussion, as the Executive Council has recently concluded its own deliberation. The government explained that the

Briefs | CTM, China Telecom to provide free data to stranded students

  Local telecom service providers CTM and China Telecom have each announced that they will provide 30GB of free cellular data to every cross-border student stranded in Macau, following the sudden

Briefs | First round of NATs at elderly home all negative

  The first round of nucleic acid tests (NATs) for the elderly and staff at the elderly home Asilo Vila Madalena were negative. The Social Welfare Bureau and the Health Bureau

Briefs | HK to test cross-border fintech applications

  Hong Kong will facilitate financial institutions, and information and technology companies from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, to test cross-border fintech applications, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive (CE) Carrie Lam said

Briefs | Catholic churches to close for three days

  In line with the government’s appeal, Bishop Stephen Lee announced that, until October 7, all churches, institutions, and commission offices of the diocese will be closed. Staff are not required

Briefs | Just 796 commercial flights in August

Arriving and departing commercial flights totalled 796 trips in August, an increase of 86.9% year-on-year from a low base in 2020. In the first eight months of 2021, the number

Briefs | Over 450 in temporary shelter

  From September 25 to midday of yesterday, 454 residents were housed in the Temporary Shelter of Social Welfare Bureau located at Rua Leste da Ilha Verde, Edifício do Bairro da

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