Breaking News: Hong Kong bans transit flights from over 150 countries

Hong Kong International Airport said today (Friday) that it would ban passengers from  153 countries and territories from transiting in the city for a month, as it sought to stem

Breaking News | Hong Kong bans flights, imposes other Covid-19 restrictions

Hong Kong authorities announced a two-week ban on flights from the United States and seven other countries and held 2,500 passengers on a cruise ship for coronavirus testing today (Wednesday)

Breaking News | Hong Kong University takes down last monument for Tiananmen victims

A monument at a Hong Kong university that was the best-known public remembrance of the Tiananmen Square crackdown victims on Chinese soil was removed early today (Thursday), wiping out the

Breaking News | Pro-Beijing candidates sweep Hong Kong elections, lowest turnout ever

Candidates loyal to China's Communist Party won a landslide victory in Hong Kong's legislative elections after pro-democracy activists were imprisoned and authorities received the power to exclude those deemed inappropriate

Hong Kong authorities report three imported Covid cases: RTHK

Health authorities reported three new imported Covid-19 cases, involving fully-vaccinated people who flew in from the Philippines, Thailand and Saudi Arabia, RTHK reported last night (Thursday). According to the HK news

Breaking News: Amnesty International to close Hong Kong offices this year

The human rights group Amnesty International said today (Monday) it will close its two offices in Hong Kong this year, becoming the latest non-governmental organization to cease operations amid a

Hong Kong | Typhoon Kompasu prompts to close schools, stock market

Hong Kong suspended classes, stock market trading and government services as a typhoon passed south of the city today (Wednesday). Heavy rain from Typhoon Kompasu could flood low-lying areas and residents

Hong Kong scraps quarantine for arrivals from Macau, mainland

Travelers arriving in Hong Kong from China and Macau will no longer need to quarantine, Hong Kong's top official said today, easing curbs imposed after summer outbreaks of the coronavirus

Hong Kong grants quarantine exemption to Nicole Kidman

Hong Kong's government said today (Thursday) that it has granted a quarantine exemption to an individual to perform "designated professional work" following reports that Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman did not

Breaking News | Two Hong Kongers plead guilty to foreign collusion: report

Two Hong Kongers pleaded guilty today (Thursday) to conspiring to collude with foreign forces as well as Next Digital founder Jimmy Lai to endanger national security, local media reported. In a

Hong Kong democracy leaders given jail terms amid crackdown

A Hong Kong court today (Friday) sent five leading pro-democracy advocates, including media tycoon Jimmy Lai, to up to 18 months in prison for organizing a march during the 2019

UK sanctuary offer for Hong Kong activists is great if you can afford it

In August 2019, Sophia’s hip was broken in clashes with Hong Kong police during a protest against China’s encroaching control over the city. In December that year she was beaten

Hong Kong: Two plead guilty as leading  activists go on trial

Two former Hong Kong lawmakers pleaded guilty to illegal assembly charges today (Tuesday), as a trial opened for them and seven other prominent democracy activists in what is seen as

Hong Kong | The brutal truth for bankers is they’re expendable

What happens to a global financial center when hundreds of thousands of residents head for the door? The jury is still out on London after its Brexit- and pandemic-inspired  Money is

Hong Kong police arrests 53 activists under national security law

Hong Kong police arrested 53 former lawmakers and democracy proponents today (Wednesday) for allegedly violating the new national security law by participating in unofficial election primaries for the territory's legislature

Hong Kong pro-democracy legislators hand in resignations

Hong Kong's pro-democracy legislators began resigning in protest today (Thursday), one day after the government ousted four members of their camp. The 15 remaining members of the bloc have said they

Police raided Hong Kong media tycoon’s private offices, executive says

Media tycoon and activist Jimmy Lai said Hong Kong police raided one of his private offices, months after he was arrested under a new national security law and the

Hong Kong police arrest 15 on suspicion of stock manipulation

Hong Kong police have arrested 15 people on suspicion of manipulating the stock price of media tycoon Jimmy Lai's company Next Digital and making millions in profit. The arrests today (Thursday)

Jimmy Lay: Hong Kong media tycoon relieved he wasn’t sent to China

Jimmy Lai had just finished his morning exercise and was catching up on the news when the police arrived. "There were 15, 20 policemen there, and they said I was under

Japan’s #FreeAgnes campaign shows support for detained Hong Kong activist

While the world focuses on the detention of Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai, it’s the plight of 23-year-old activist Agnes Chow that has made the battle over human rights

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