Japan had the fewest babies it has ever recorded last year, and fewer marriages

The number of babies born in Japan last year fell for an eighth straight year to a new low, government data showed this week, and

Japan’s moon lander survives second  lunar night, beating predictions

Japan’s first moon lander responded to a signal from Earth, suggesting it has survived a second freezing weeks-long lunar night, Japan’s space agency said yesterday. JAXA called the signal,

Feds accuse alleged Japanese crime boss of conspiring to traffic nuclear material

A leader of a Japan-based crime syndicate conspired to traffic uranium and plutonium from Myanmar in the belief that Iran would use it to make nuclear weapons,

Stray whale died in Osaka Bay, raising questions about cause and cost of disposal

A whale as long as a train car that died after straying into a port in Osaka last month is set to be buried until it naturally becomes a

Japan’s exports surged nearly 12% in January in second straight month of gains

Japan’s exports surged a stronger than expected nearly 12% in January, helped by robust demand for vehicles, auto parts and machinery. That helped the nation’s trade deficit shrink to

Founder of Japanese dollar-store chain Daiso dies at 80

Hirotake Yano, who founded the retail chain Daiso known for its 100-yen shops, Japan’s equivalent of the dollar store, has died. He was 80. Yano

Japan slips into a recession, loses spot as world’s third-largest economy

Japan’s economy is now the world’s fourth-largest after it contracted in the last quarter of 2023 and fell behind Germany. The government reported the economy

Are we about to find out the moon’s origin? Space agency says it may now have clues

An unmanned lunar spacecraft has captured and transmitted data analyzing 10 lunar rocks, a greater-than-expected achievement that could help provide clues about the origin of the

Fukushima plant leaked radioactive water, but none escaped the facility

Highly radioactive water leaked from a treatment machine at the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but no one was injured and radiation monitoring shows no

Ukrainian-born Miss Japan gives up her title after article reveals affair with married man

The Ukrainian-born winner of this year’s Miss Japan beauty pageant and the contest’s organizers say she has renounced her title after a magazine published an article about her

Kishida says he’s determined to break ruling party from its practice of money politics

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stressed yesterday he was determined to make a clear break from money politics as he renewed an apology for the latest major

Japanese moon probe back to work after sun reaches its solar panels

A Japanese moon explorer is up and running yesterday after several tense days without the sunlight it needs to generate power. Japan’s first lunar mission hit its

Japan joins an elite club by landing on the moon. What are others doing?

Japan landed a spacecraft on the moon Saturday, an attempt at the world’s first “pinpoint lunar landing.” The milestone puts Japan in a club previously occupied by only

Japan signs agreement with US to purchase 400 Tomahawk missiles in defense buildup

Japan signed a deal with the United States yesterday to purchase up to 400 Tomahawk cruise missiles as part of its ongoing military buildup in response

US, South Korea and Japan conduct naval drills in a show of strength against North Korea

The United States, South Korea and Japan conducted perhaps their biggest-ever combined naval exercises in a show of strength against nuclear-armed North Korea, South Korea’s military

Men who were allegedly abused by a Japanese boy band producer criticize company’s response

Members of a group of men who say they were sexually abused as boys by a Japanese entertainment mogul are accusing the company behind the scandal, previously known

Workers resumes landfill work at new US military site on Okinawa despite local opposition

Japanese construction workers yesterday resumed landfill work at the new site of the U.S. military base on Okinawa despite protests by the island’s residents that the

Investigators focus on air traffic communication after a fatal Tokyo runway crash

A transcript of communication between traffic control and  An orange fireball erupted from both aircraft on Tuesday evening as the JAL flight 516 continued down the runway

Powerful earthquakes leave at least 48 dead, destroy buildings along western coast

A series of powerful earthquakes that hit western Japan have left at least 48 people dead and damaged thousands of buildings, vehicles and boats. Officials warned that more

Court only holds utility responsible to compensate Fukushima evacuees and reduces damages

A Tokyo court has ruled that only the operator of the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant had to pay damages to dozens of evacuees, relieving the government

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