US officiant marries 10 same-sex couples in Hong Kong via video chat

10 same-sex couples got married in the United States over the internet from Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous southern Chinese city that does not formally recognize such

After a quarter century, Thailand’s LGBTQ Parade is seen as a popular and political success

Thailand kicked off its celebration of the LGBTQ+ community’s Pride Month with a parade Saturday, as the country is on course to become the first nation

Supporters celebrate opening of Gay Games in Hong Kong, first in Asia

Scores of athletes celebrated the opening of the Gay Games in Hong Kong on Saturday despite opposition from anti-LGBTQ lawmakers, marking the first time the international sporting

Ancient texts depict all kinds of people, not just straight and cis ones

I study Greek and Latin literature and have noticed that ancient authors wrote about sex, homoerotic feelings or relations, and gender more often than we assume. A

Thailand’s LGBTQ+ community draws tourists from China looking to be themselves

Xinyu Wen traveled to Thailand in June, planning a two-week vacation around Bangkok’s Pride parade. Instead, the 28-year-old stayed a month and a half,

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