The Gen Z Philanthropists

The 1985 Live Aid concert, organized by Bob Geldof, was the steppingstone for celebrity engagement in Climate Show-biz, with an estimated 1.5 billion television viewers. The concert

On the ‘Difficulty of Giving’

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, when asked if he was committed to giving away most of his wealth in his lifetime, which represented a pledge worth $122 billion,

Philanthropy and the ‘tech for good’

Digital fundraising is reshaping philanthropy in what may be described as a blockchain revolution. It’s a peaceful revolution but, like every revolution, it has its supporters and

The Art of Giving | It’s just a divorce

Melinda and Bill Gates, two of the world’s most powerful philanthropist couples who have reshaped philanthropy over two decades, recently announced that they were ending their relationship. It would be just

The Art of Giving | 2021, a year to REcommit

The 2019 global Covid-19 pandemic has put foward a series of pressing challenges that few of us anticipated. It is likely that there will be many consequences after a period

The Art of Giving | MODERN PHILANTHROPY: On solidarity and what money can’t buy

It is often said that money can buy anything; that is to say, that everything has a price on the market. If we are to follow this assumption, the moral limits

The Art of Giving | Modern philanthropy. Covid-19: The great leveler?

“Tax us. Immediately. Substantially. Permanently.” A group of more than 80 of the world’s richest people, who call themselves the “Millionaires for Humanity” and include Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben and

The Art of Giving | Modern Philanthropy and Legacy

Physics genius Albert Einstein once said: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is

The Art of Giving | Modern philanthropy and globalization

A virus that vanishes with some droplets of soap has put the world into lockdown, caused national health systems to collapse, created one of the greatest depressions in modern times

The Art Of Giving | Modern Philanthropy: THERE IS SUCH A THING AS SOCIETY

Half the world is in lockdown. For those who are healthy it is a good time to catch up on some new reading or to go back to classics of

The Art of Giving | Modern philanthropy and the great disruption

We are living in the times of great disruption. Yesterday the world was identifying a set of pressing global challenges such as climate change, reskilling, blockchain, A.I., and reducing inequalities.

The Art of Giving | Modern philanthropy: the love of humankind and social distance

Social distance” is one of the most debated concepts in international sociology. The term is extensively used today in studies of ethnicity, class, gender, socio-economic status and


When it comes to the very essence of philanthropy and its many definitions, associations (altruism, charitableness, bountifulness, kindness, humanitarianism, etc.) and manifestations (giving money, possessions, time, attention, aid etc.), we


Coronavirus. If there is one word that Macau residents and the rest of China have been hearing endlessly these days, it must be this one. This epidemic has significantly affected more

The Art of Giving | Modern Philanthropy and Education

Skills. It’s all about skills. Where are we now? The first industrial revolution used water and steam to mechanize production. The second used electric energy to create mass production, and the

The Art of Giving | Modern Philanthropy. Will Macau lead the way to greater imagination?

The time of the pioneers of modern philanthropy has passed, when giving was a social act made easy by the empty space left over by a public sector that lacked

The Art of Giving | Why Philanthropy Matters and Why China Matters in Modern Philanthropy

It’s Christmas season and in about a month we will be celebrating the Chinese New Year. Both celebrations are most probably the most exciting times of the

The Art of Giving | Connecting wealth for philanthropy

When we think about philanthropy as “the love of humankind” and explore what great philanthropists have done for public good, we can certainly identify landmark institutions and individuals that

Art of Giving | Carnegie and philanthropy

What is philanthropy today? How has philanthropy developed since ancient Greece? If there is one consensus amongst the philanthropist community, it is that modern philanthropy has

The Art of Giving | Why give?

Because giving and sharing is part of your own self. Because giving is a moral duty. Because the act of giving brings about an enjoyable feeling. Because

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