1984 Moscow pulls out of US Olympics

Twelve weeks before the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games, the USSR has announced it is boycotting them. It is expected most of the Eastern

1980 SAS rescue ends Iran embassy siege

The siege of the Iranian embassy in London has ended after a dramatic raid by SAS commandos. Five Iranian gunmen were killed and one was arrested.

1994 Race ace Senna killed in car crash

The Brazilian racing driver Ayrton Senna has been killed in a crash at the San Marino Grand Prix at Imola, near Bologna in Italy. He was just

2001 First space tourist blasts off

A billionaire businessman from California has become the first paying passenger to go to outer space. Dennis Tito, aged 60, set off from Kazakhstan at 1338

1984 Libyan embassy siege ends

The siege of the Libyan Embassy in St James’s Square in London is over. In the end, the diplomats, holed up in the building for 11

1974  Rebels seize control of Portugal

Army rebels are in control of Portugal tonight after an almost bloodless dawn coup ended nearly 50 years of dictatorship. Shortly after midnight, tanks rolled into the

1993 IRA bomb devastates City of London

A massive bomb has ripped through the heart of the City of London, killing one and injuring more than 40. The explosion shook buildings and

1955 Fleet Street papers back after strike

National newspapers have been published for the first time in nearly a month following the end of the maintenance workers’ strike. The stoppage was called off

1953 UN and Korea begin prisoner exchange

The Allies and Korea have exchanged sick and wounded prisoners of war at Panmunjon, just a mile away from continued fighting at the north-south border. One

1955 Albert Einstein dies

Albert Einstein has died in hospital in Princeton, New Jersey, aged 76. The eminent scientist and originator of the theory of relativity was admitted to hospital three

1999 Dozens hurt in London bomb blast

An explosion outside a busy supermarket in Brixton, south London, has injured at least 45 people. At least four of the casualties - including a

1970 Critical explosion cripples Apollo 13

The explosion happened in the fuel cells of the spacecraft’s service module approximately 56 hours after lift-off. This resulted in the loss of Apollo 13’s

1997 Tiger Woods wins Masters at 21

The 21-year-old golfing sensation Eldrick “Tiger” Woods has become the youngest-ever player to win the US Masters Championships. He put in a virtuoso performance that left

1995 MPs move to outlaw hunting

A bill which would ban hunting with hounds in England and Wales has become the first such proposal to get a second reading in parliament.

1981 President Reagan is shot

President Ronald Reagan has been shot and wounded after a lone gunman opened fire in Washington. He is currently undergoing emergency surgery at George Washington

1971 Calley guilty of My Lai massacre

Lieutenant William Calley has been found guilty of murder at a court martial for his part in the My Lai massacre which claimed the lives of 500

1965 Thousands join Dr King in Alabama rally

Dr Martin Luther King has taken a crowd of nearly 25,000 people to the steps of the state capital of Montgomery, Alabama to highlight black grievances.

1989 Millions of Russians go to the polls

Millions of Russian voters have gone to the polls, with early results suggesting that a number of Communist candidates have been rejected by the electorate. The

1992 Punch ends 150 years of satire

The decision ends a publishing tradition dating back almost 151 years. It is expected to publish its final issue on 8 April after circulation plummeted

1983: Reagan launches Cold War into space

President Reagan has unveiled plans to combat nuclear war in space. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) proposes a defensive shield, using laser or particle beam technology

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