Kishida says China seafood ban contrasts with wide support for Fukushima water release

Japan's prime minister said that China’s blanket ban on Japanese seafood in reaction to the release of treated radioactive water from a tsunami-ravaged nuclear power plant contrasts

MGM’s Visionary Cultural Tourism Program “Lion IP” won PATA Grand & Gold Awards

MGM’s international brand engagement program “Lion IP” has been honored by the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Gold Awards 2023, with the top honor the “Grand Title” in Marketing

G20 leaders pay respects at Gandhi memorial as they wrap up Indian summit and hand over to Brazil

G20 leaders paid their respects to Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi as their summit came to a close yesterday, a day after the group added a

2001 US rocked by day of terror

The United States is in a state of shock after a day of attacks which have left thousands dead and New York’s World Trade Center destroyed.

World Cup Germany wins for first time, holds off Serbia 83-77 for gold medal

Have a summer, Germany. Dirk Nowitzki went into the Basketball Hall of Fame, and now his homeland stands atop the men’s international basketball world. Dennis Schroder

Biden finds a new friend in Vietnam as American CEOs look for alternatives to Chinese factories

President Joe Biden goes yesterday to a Vietnam that’s looking to dramatically ramp up trade with the United States — a sign of how competition with

Kim Jong Un hosts Chinese and Russian guests at N. Korea’s 75th anniversary celebration

North Korea invited visiting Chinese delegates and Russian artists to a paramilitary parade featuring rocket launchers pulled by trucks and tractors, state media said Saturday, in leader Kim

Monday, September 11, 2023 – edition no. 4327

— Lawmaker calls for better work protocols after heavy rains lash parts of the city; Hong Kong records highest rainfall since 1884, causing chaos * SSM: Gov’t’s mental health resources sufficient *

Parliament to prioritize electoral laws review in new session

The review of electoral laws will be placed “at a critical position,” President Kou Hoi In of the parliament has underlined. The second session of

Eduardo Flores offers an insight into Macau’s architecture over the past 40 years

Proof of Life (Prova de Vida) is the title of an exhibition by the architect Eduardo Flores, and aims not only to provide a retrospective over

Food delivery platforms fined for violating personal data

Three major food delivery platforms in Macau were fined up to MOP60,000 for violating the Personal Data Protection Law, including for the transfer of user information

Security Secretary ‘not happy’ with manner of PSP information release

Both he and the chief of the Public Security Police Force (PSP) were dissatisfied with recent communications by the authority, stated Secretary for Security Wong

New English book documents Portuguese poet Pessanha

Camilo Pessanha, a Portuguese poet who came to Macau at age 27, has become the focus of a book that goes beyond merely praising his poetic

Macao Week in Tianjin gathers 2.16m visitors

The second Macao Week of 2023 culminated in Tianjin, attracting nearly 2.16 million spectators on site, according to the Macao Government Tourism Office. Staged for five days, the

Measures issued to facilitate Macau-based planning institutions to practice in Hengqin

Hengqin recently issued the trial measures for Macau and Hong Kong-based planning institutions and professionals to file their practice in Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. According to

DSOP receives 23 bids for old court renovation project

Public Works Bureau (DSOP) received 23 bids, 22 of which were accepted, and one required additional documents for the roof construction of the old court building’s transformation into

DSAL to hold job-matching sessions next weekend

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) and the Macau Federation of Trade Unions (MFTU) will collaborate to hold three industry-specific matching sessions on September 14 and 15, providing a total

IAS receives 69 requests for assistance for gambling disorder

The city’s central registration system for gambling disorder has received a total of 69 requests for assistance, an increase of nearly 60% when compared to the same period

Shenzhen to allow HK, Macau residents purchase commercial properties

Shenzhen will start allowing residents of Hong Kong and Macau to buy commercial property and business apartments to bolster sales. A news report issued

China’s exports and imports fall in August as weak global demand keeps its economy under pressure

China's exports and imports both fell in August from a year earlier, reflecting tepid global demand that is adding to pressures on its slowing economy.

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