Ice-skating rink, urban farm among Galaxy’s plans for Lai Chi Vun revitalization

Galaxy Macau is set to revitalize one of Macau’s oldest districts, Lai Chi Vun, with new entertainment elements including a simulated ice-skating rink, innovated urban farming,

Series of events to mark Mid-Autumn, Golden Week as holidays poised to boom

Macau will see a series of activities to mark the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays as tourists are expected to swarm the city amid

UM ranks among top 200 in 2024 global rankings

The University of Macau (UM) has for the first time ranked among the top 200 in the UK’s Times Higher Education supplement, while the Macau University

Financial disadvantages to still impact property market

High business operational costs and interest expenditure, among other factors, will likely hinder the recovery of the real property market in Macau, a regional realtor told

Lan Fo’an is new Party chief of Finance Ministry: reports

China has designated Lan Fo’an as the Communist Party chief of the Ministry of Finance, signaling his imminent promotion to the role of finance minister during

11 bids received for Zone A public housing project

The Land and Urban Construction Bureau has received 11 bids for the public housing design and construction project of Lot B11 in Zone A. The project cost ranged

112 residential buildings to upgrade electrical installations by year end

The Safety Upgrade Subsidy Program for Communal Electrical Installations in Low-rise Aging Buildings is expected to fund 112 old buildings by the end of the year, with MOP30

23rd Macau Food Festival to kick off Nov. 17

The 23rd Macau Food Festival will be held from Nov. 17 to Dec. 3, featuring 100 local and 25 international food stalls. In a press conference held yesterday,

Commercial flights increase to over 4,000 trips in August

Arriving and departing commercial flights totalled 4,060 trips in August, a sharp rise of 737.1% year-on-year, albeit from a low base. From January to August 2023, the number

IPOR calls for new operator of Livraria Portuguesa

The Portuguese Institute of the Orient (IPOR) is calling for a partner to run the Livraria Portuguesa (Portuguese Bookstore) as the current concession contract is slated to end

Health Bureau warns about dengue fever amid regional intensity

Members of the public are reminded of the risks of dengue fever as conditions across the region gradually intensify, Health Bureau (SSM) noted in a

TikTok regrets Indonesia’s decision to ban e-commerce sales on social media

Chinese-owned app TikTok yesterday said it regretted the Indonesian government’s decision to ban e-commerce transactions on social media platforms and particularly the impact it would have on

Taiwan launches first home-made submarine for testing, China condemns

Taiwan's leader launched the island’s first domestically made submarine for testing yesterday at a port in Kaohsiung. The submarine, if successful in its tests, will

Chinese ambassador says Australian lawmakers who visit Taiwan utilized by separatists

China's ambassador to Australia yesterday criticized Australian politicians who visit Taiwan, saying they are being utilized by separatists on the self-governing island. Ambassador Xiao Qian was

Defense minister has been MIA for a month, ministry declines to comment

A Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson said yesterday that he was “not aware of the situation” in the ministry’s first public comments on the disappearance of the defense minister

Giant panda Fan Xing leaves a Dutch zoo for her home country

Giant panda Fan Xing began a long journey home — to a country she has never visited. The 3-year-old was given a ceremonial send off

Police say drug bust nets worth $8.2 million

Police in Thailand said yesterday they made one of the country’s biggest ever seizures of illicit drugs, a haul including methamphetamine, crystal meth and heroin, with a

Video appears to show American soldier arriving back in the US

The American soldier who sprinted into North Korea across the heavily fortified border between the Koreas two months ago arrived back in the U.S. yesterday, video

Trump skipped the GOP debate again. This time, his rivals took him on directly

Several of Donald Trump’s rivals stepped up their attacks against him in the second Republican presidential debate yesterday , urgently trying to dent the former president’s commanding

Half of Nagorno-Karabakh’s population flees as separatist government dissolve

The separatist government of Nagorno-Karabakh said yesterday it will dissolve itself and the unrecognized republic will cease to exist by year’s end after a nearly three-decade

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