Head of China’s state-backed Catholic church will visit Hong Kong as ties with Vatican are strained

The leader of China’s Communist Party-sponsored version of the Catholic church will visit Hong Kong this month at the invitation of the city’s pope-appointed Roman Catholic

Radio anchor fatally shot while on Facebook livestream watched by followers

A radio anchor was fatally shot by a man inside his southern Philippine station yesterday in a brazen attack that was witnessed by people watching the program

North Korea is closing some diplomatic missions in what may be a sign of its economic troubles

North Korea confirmed Friday that it’s closing some of its diplomatic missions abroad, a move that rival South Korea suspects is likely the latest sign

Blinken meets Palestinian leader in West Bank, stepping up Mideast diplomacy as Gaza war escalates

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken brought his frenetic Mideast diplomatic push on the Israel-Hamas war to the occupied West Ban yesterday, meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

1999 Australia rejects republic

Australians have rejected a proposal to break ties with the British monarchy and become a republic. In the landmark referendum to decide whether Australia would

Ukrainian war veterans with amputated limbs find freedom in the practice of jiu-jitsu

Nervous ahead of their first jiu-jitsu championship, the war veterans gathered in a group to share jokes and help each other tie the belts of their kimonos. Many of

German police advise travelers to avoid Hamburg airport due to hostage situation

German police advised travelers yesterday not to use Hamburg airport due to a hostage situation. The airport in the northern part of the city has been closed

Monday, November 6, 2023 – edition no. 4361

— ExCo proposes new ID card design to strengthen security features; gov’t to go paperless in its funded enterprises * Nursery to close over infant death probe * National Student (Youth) Games

Balancing ‘visible and invisible’ hands in diversification: Lei

Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong said economic diversification will be orchestrated under “the leadership of the market and the guidance of the government.”

October gaming revenues surge as city benefits from Golden Week

In October, the city’s casino revenue surged to another all-time post-pandemic high, as tourists flocked to Macau during the National Day Golden Week. Data released

Gov’t to spend MOP235m next year to attract international tourists

A total sum of MOP235 million has been reserved to attract international visitors, Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong disclosed yesterday afternoon. When responding

City’s luster revival as talent scheme lures mainland Chinese

The exodus of tens of thousands of professionals from Hong Kong triggered by a crackdown on its civil liberties is being offset by new arrivals: mainland

The sacred holiday is far more than a ‘Mexican Halloween’

Many Latinos regularly declare: “Día de los Muertos is not Mexican Halloween.” The declaration is increasingly repeated by non-Latinos too. Drawing a clear line

Gov’t reviewing casino ops’ 2024 plans

The city’s six gaming operators have submitted their work plans for the upcoming year, and the government is scheduled to review them within the next 60

Beijing appoints new deputy secretary-general at Forum Macao

Xie Ying has been appointed as the new deputy secretary-general of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum, a role bestowed by China’s Ministry of Commerce. Xie Ying will

Mainland cancels border health code

The mainland has discontinued its Customs Code (border health code) effective from yesterday. Travelers no longer need to fill in a health declaration card when entering and leaving

Slight decrease in construction workers’ daily wage

The average daily wage of construction workers decreased by 0.5% quarter-on-quarter to MOP782 in the third quarter of 2023. Data from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) revealed

Swimming season ends

With the conclusion of the 2023 swimming season, lifeguards will no longer be on duty at the beach, and the Marine and Water Bureau will also remove the

MGTO exploring ‘Travel Around Macau’ plan to enhance cultural values

The government intends to launch a tourism initiative called “Travel Around Macau” as part of its economic diversification plan, according to Macao Government Tourism Office director

Gov’t maintains cash handouts, expects MOP216b GGR in 2024

The SAR government submitted the budget for the 2024 fiscal year to the Legislative Assembly, anticipating a surplus in the public finances again next year without

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