China joins 20 most innovative economies, US falls to No. 6

China joined the world’s top 20 most innovative economies for the first time while the United States fell out of the five top-ranked countries, according to a

Liu Xia | Beijing frees Nobel widow from house arrest that drew outcry

China allowed the widow of Chinese Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo to be freed from house arrest and leave for Berlin yesterday, ending an eight-year ordeal

Analysis | How China could hurt US once it ran out of imports to tax

In his trade war with China, President Donald Trump wields one seeming advantage: The United States could ultimately slap tariffs on more than USD500 billion

Belt and Road | Xi pledges billions in loans, aid to Arab nations

China’s President Xi Jinping pledged more than USD23 billion in lines of credit, loans and humanitarian assistance to Arab countries yesterday in a major push for influence

Merkel lauds China’s market opening in rebuff to Trump trade war

German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised China for opening up to foreign investment, drawing a contrast with trade conflicts burdening both countries’ relations with the U.S. Merkel’s

Five Chinese tourists reported missing from sunken boat are alive

Five people reported to have been missing from a tour boat that sank in a storm off the southern resort island of Phuket are alive, Thai authorities said yesterday,

Hong Kong | Democrat takes case of prison mistreatment to court

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong has taken his case of alleged mistreatment by prison staff to the smalls claims tribunal, reports Hong Kong public broadcaster

Exporters scramble to cope with US tariffs

Chinese exporters were scrambling yesterday to cope with a plunge in U.S. sales while China’s state press shrugged off the impact of Washington’s tariff hikes in a spiraling

Paper denounces US Navy ships’ Taiwan Strait passage

A ruling Chinese Communist Party newspaper yesterday denounced the passage of a pair of U.S. Navy ships through the Taiwan Strait as a “psychological game,” as the two sides

Property buys in Australia plummet on capital controls

Chinese investment in Australia’s commercial property has plummeted to the lowest level in six years as mainland capital controls bite. Direct investment fell 81

US-China trade war elevates the risks to the global economy

The trade war that erupted Friday between the U.S. and China carries a major risk of escalation that could weaken investment, depress spending, unsettle financial

Further cuts in electric-car subsidies weighed

China is considering a further reduction in electric-vehicle subsidies next year as the government pushes automakers to innovate rather than rely on fiscal policy to

Mahathir to visit Beijing for talks on projects

Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Friday he will visit Beijing next month to renegotiate terms for China-backed rail and gas pipeline projects in Malaysia worth more than

The Buzz | Taiwan youth tour high-tech base in Beijing

More than 100 young Taiwanese have toured high-tech base Zhongguancun in Beijing to learn about and exchange ideas on innovation, as part of their summer workshop scheduled in

Mobike to refund user deposits in effort to win market share

MOBIKE, one of the pioneers of China’s bicycle-sharing craze, is scrapping a key part of its business by dropping the need for deposits amid

Executive’s death risks more turbulence at HNA

THE turmoil deepened at HNA Group Co., the Chinese conglomerate that’s been selling billions of dollars in assets to stay afloat, after its No. 2 executive

Beijing’s bravado belies worries over trade clashes with US

China says it’s girded for a trade war with the U.S. and can give as good as it gets, but behind the official bravado lies a

Innovation | Top EV maker starts battery-swap service to lure users

Beijing Electric Vehicle Co., the Chinese electric-car maker preparing for a stock-market listing, is starting a battery- swap service to reduce customers’ range anxiety and keep up with

Hong Kong | Top court grants visa rights to same-sex partners

Hong Kong’s top court handed down a landmark ruling that will pave the way for visas to be granted to same-sex spouses of LGBT expatriate

Property flashes fresh warning with bad-loan jump forecast

Signs of pressure on China’s property market are deepening, with a report saying that soured loans from the industry could put “significant stress” on banks

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