The Atlantic Soul

Situated in the westernmost of the European continent, Portugal is less of a Mediterranean or southern European country than an Atlantic one. Sharing – if uncomfortably – the Iberian Peninsula


Mandarin Oriental, Macau Those of you who read my column regularly know I am a fan. Mandarin Oriental, Macau celebrates this festive season with good taste, presenting an array of appetizing

Cops inc. Latina America

* Movies: The Imitation Game *Books: Speed Limits: Where Time Went and Why We Have So Little Left by Mark C Taylor * Music: Rock or Bust by AC/DC * Wine: The Wildness

Cumberbatch shines as wartime codebreaker

Tis clearly the season for Oscar-worthy performances by British actors playing mathematical geniuses facing daunting personal odds. Sound overly specific? Consider: A few weeks ago we had “The Theory of Everything,”

Hurtling towards disaster – the modern addiction to speed

Speed,” it seemed to Aldous Huxley, “provides the one genuinely modern pleasure.” In “Speed Limits,” however, modernity’s apotheosis of speed has more to do with pain than pleasure. An ever-quickening pace

Turmoil helps AC/DC shine on new album

In 1980, AC/DC’s very existence was at stake: singer Bon Scott died just as the band was starting to get big. They used the uncertainty and grief to dig down

News of the World | Private firms filling Latin America’s security gap

A panic alert flashed across Alberto Herrera’s computer screen. Men claiming to be with the notorious Gulf Cartel had stopped a convoy transporting chemicals through a lawless region of northeastern

The Wildness of Beauty

United and indivisible as the republic proclaims to be, France is a country of irrepressible diversity, especially in its limitrophe regions such as Alsace, Brittany, Savoie, the Basque and Catalan


There are many cuisines around the world that offer spicy dishes, but Sichuan and Hunan cuisines are on the top of my list due to their complexities. Recently, StarWorld Hotel

Marine Science: Surrogate sushi

* Movies: Dumb and Dumber To * Books: The Andy Cohen Diaries: A deep look at a shallow year by Andy Cohen * Music: Prizefighter: hit after hit by Trisha Yearwood * Wine:

‘Dumb and Dumber To’ lives up to its title

Comedy is all about timing. The dimwitted Lloyd (Jim Carrey) reminds the audience of that simple fact minutes into “Dumb and Dumber To” and the sentiment echoes throughout the disappointing

Bravo host dishes dirt in ‘Andy Cohen Diaries’

In his new book, “The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year,” author Andy Cohen tries to explain to his rescue dog, Wacha, the luck of going

‘Prizefighter’ shows Yearwood’s range

Trisha Yearwood returns with her first new recordings in seven years with “Prizefighter,” which combines 10 of her best- known hits (“XXX’s and OOO’s,” ‘’She’s In Love With The Boy”) with

NEWS OF THE WORLD | Japan biotech for bluefin tuna

Of all the overfished fish in the seas, luscious, fatty bluefin tuna are among the most threatened. Marine scientist Goro Yamazaki, who is known in this seaside community as “Young Mr.

The Spirit of Japan III

Cognoscenti of wine, brandy and whisky would often find shochu both intriguing and confusing. For starters, the lack of established glossary makes it difficult for foreigners to approach


Autumn is a wonderful season for narcissistic personalities, because we can have some quiet time all to ourselves before the Christmas holiday starts, when the streets of Macau are uncomfortably

Big Booty Business

* Movies: Homesman * Books: Blue Labyrinth by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child * Music: The Endless River by Pink Floyd * Wine: The Conservative Innovation * Food: Game On   DOWNLOAD

Preston & Childs return with ‘Blue Labyrinth’

A family secret over 100 years old comes back to haunt FBI Special Agent Aloysius Pendergast in Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child's latest thriller, "Blue Labyrinth." A knock on Pendergast's

The Conservative Innovation

So renowned is the Alpine nature of Austria, that it not only appears on postcards, but also is referred to in the national anthem, sung to the melody of Wolfgang

Pink Floyd say goodbye with ‘The Endless River’

Never was an album more aptly named than "The Endless River," the new — and seemingly final — release from Pink Floyd. It flows unstoppably, and while some listeners may

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