Analysis | Sino-American agreement on cybertheft a first step

China’s pledge to help crack down on hackers who steal commercial secrets from the United States, even coming as it did amid a bit of arm-twisting by President Barack Obama,

Rear Window | Junket to junk

Video footage showing a gamblers’ brawl allegedly in one of the casinos got attention on social media. It seemed to be more a nervous “quid pro quo” than a good

Kapok | Who is in charge?

Back in my student years, I wrote a short essay about the massive peasant demonstrations that took place in France in the 1960s, which started before the May 1968 social

World Views | The missing Democratic debates

The bounce Carly Fiorina received from last week’s presidential debate has undoubtedly left many of her fellow candidates feeling jealous - and not just Republicans. Most of the Democrats trying

Our Desk | Fresh flowers or tanks

While Beijing’s high-profile military extravaganza on September 3 triggered myriads of speculation over its underlying intentions on the world stage, it also set off a heated online debate amongst students

Insight | Disenchantment in the air

Macau is a funny place. Regarding the most recent case of junket fraud involving Dore Entertainment, enraged “investors” staged protests in several locations to complain about the government’s alleged inability

Bizcuits | We brought them. Support them?

There’s little doubt that expatriates perform better on assignment when they are supported by their companies – real studies confirm this. Most expats are brought to Macau because they have proven

HK Observer | Glass half full

The controversial messages on Saturday from Beijing’s liaison office director, Zhang Xiaoming, citing the central government’s view on ‘one country two systems’ was on the one hand unsurprising: we all

World Views | Turnbull has an extensive to-do list in Australia

The first time I met Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s new leader, all he could talk about was Japan. It was June 2002 and the Goldman Sachs banker-turned-politician couldn’t comprehend how a smart,

World Views | Britain’s Labour Party chooses death with honor

Jeremy Corbyn’s landslide victory in the election for leadership of the U.K. Labour Party begins a fascinating experiment. Voters and political parties everywhere, not least in the U.S., ought to

Rear Window | Side effects

Amidst a serious decline in gaming revenue, ‘all’ Macau is waiting for the soon to be disclosed mid-term review of the casino industry. Understandably, given the cooling measures blowing in

Kapok | The art of the meaningful

I am no economist, and yet I have enough interest in political economy to figure out when something is right or not. Such is the case with the dramatically loaded

Artifacts | Small eats

The old saying, “The way to my heart is through my stomach” accurately sums up the way I feel about China. Famed for its “small eats” or 小吃, one my

World Views | Indonesia’s Jokowi needs to do more, talk less

A little over a year ago, Joko Widodo swept to power in Indonesia promising bold change and higher living stands. Voters enthusiastically bought into his everyman image: He’s Indonesia’s first president

World Views | Banks are dangerously exposed to China

Until very recently, large exposure to China was seen as an advantage, a toehold in the market of the future. Now it’s seen as a risk, and some of the

HK Observer | Begone trams and TST promenade! What next? Eiffel Tower?

The old assertion “great minds think alike” - which triggers the riposte: “fools never differ” - comes to mind with recent ideas to ‘improve’ local iconic landmarks. First of all there’s

World Views | Easy money creates the most dangerous bubbles

Economists finally seem to be recognizing what most people have long considered obvious: Overconfident investors can drive the prices of everything from tulips to Chinese stocks far above their intrinsic

Extra Time | Monaco puts money first with Martial expected sale

Not so long ago, Monaco was splashing cash to lure football’s biggest stars. In a complete change of commercial strategy, it is now getting rid of Anthony Martial, one of

Rear Window | Coping with the facts

China’s Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses were hardly hit by capitalism’s core nemesis: the stock market crash! Although, more than a few liberal onlookers see the seismological activity as a normal

Bizcuits | Singing the Blues

The social media response a couple of weeks ago to cases of child abuse and the subsequent death of an infant allegedly at the hands of a (probably undertrained and

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