Made in Macao | National food: rice or noodles?

The Americans have apple-pies on the Fourth of July, and that got me wondering on National Day a few days ago: What food do we consider our national

Tax Matters | The taxation of companies in Macau – worldwide or territorial basis? (cont.)

Our previous In mid-August 2018, the Office of the President of the Court of Final Appeal (TUI) made public that the Court had issued a new

Bizcuits | Casinos Innovate in Zero-Waste

Annie Lao, a fellow plastic-waste activist, and her team petitioned the government to take some baby-step actions to curb Macau’s disproportionate creation and mismanagement of solid waste. The

Girl About Globe | It’s not calorie counting – it’s Feedbit Connectivity

It’s a mystery to me why no one has come up with Feedbit. It would be like Fitbit but, instead of counting steps taken and calories burned,

Our Desk | Education needs to be educated

Various cases and claims of sexual abuse have been in the news over the last couple of months. From the case involving a kindergarten and some of

Rear Window | Macau after Typhoon Mangkhut

These days we find ourselves turning to recollect a former Portuguese prime-minister who was credited with having said - although he was not exactly a follower of the

World Views | Donald Trump’s stance on refugees is a disgrace

President Donald Trump’s decision to cut the number of refugees admitted to the U.S. hardly comes as a surprise. Even by this administration’s standards, however, the policy

Tennis | US Open champion Osaka dominant on return to action in Japan

Naomi Osaka’s homecoming couldn’t have gone much better. Playing in her first tournament since winning the U.S. Open, third-seeded Osaka impressed her Japanese fans yesterday

World Views | The European Union has a problem with dirty money

After a string of scandals, the European Commission has unveiled new plans to crack down on money laundering. It’s right to take this problem seriously — but its

Our Desk | Cautious optimism after Mangkhut

The response of the Macau government to what was undoubtedly the strongest Pacific typhoon of the year deserves to be commended, especially in its effective and timely communication

Bizcuits  | The last straw

Recently we have seen some concerted single-use plastic and waste activism locally; and not before time. From a petition seeking a plastic-bag ban to “plogging”, individuals and groups

Girl About Globe | Mozzie Zeus

Have you ended summer with more insect bites than ever before? I have. The current ones, inflicted by mosquitos in Mykonos, Greece, have created topographical issues on my

Macau Matters | The deluded world of air-conditioning

Living in Macau we are all well aware of the great value of air-conditioning (and refrigeration). As countries develop, the first thing that their emerging middle class citizens

Our Desk | Followers’ disease

Being a follower, as opposed to a leader, Macau is in need of some kind of new medical treatment which the world’s geniuses have not yet invented.

Rear Window | Lei Kong on trial for defamation

First of all we have to plead for your leniency on the untasteful title a la social realism, and for the very word leniency that usually sends shivers

Kapok | Ethics?

Max Weber’s famous 1918 lecture entitled “Politics as a vocation” is usually remembered for the very performative definition it gives of the modern state as being “a human

Made in Macao | When school starts

This week sees Macao’s mornings getting back to the usual hustle and bustle. A sign that the long summer holidays are over and that schools are back to

World Views | The sound of corrupt cash gushing through Europe

Europe’s national regulators are discovering the limits of their ability to police cross-border money laundering in a complex and globalized financial system that’s full of holes. As incomplete

World Views | US and China need to compromise on trade, and soon

The next round of U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports — USD200 billion worth — could come as soon as this week, after talks to avert them ended without

Taxation of companies in Macau – worldwide or territorial basis?

Business and entrepreneurial income in Macau is taxed under the “Imposto Complementar de Rendimentos” (ICR) and the ICR tax is applied to profits obtained by individuals and legal

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