Vibrant colors fill Sinulog Festival in Friendship Square

With vibrant colors and cheerful yells, the Sinulog Festival 2017 attracted a significant crowd yesterday at Friendship Square. The 17th edition of the festival –

Briefs | Sports for All Day held at Areia Preta

The monthly edition of the Sports Bureau’s “Sports for All Day” was held on Saturday at Areia Preta’s Urban Park gathering. The ID said a large number

Analysis | Labor-related NGOs in China facing hard times

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in the mainland are currently facing difficulties and will face more in the near future, says Australian National University scholar Anita Chan, who

Boeing loosens Airbus’s India grip with USD22 billion SpiceJet win

Boeing Co. won a USD22 billion deal from budget carrier SpiceJet Ltd., notching the plane maker’s largest-ever order from an Indian airline and strengthening its hold

IAS: New drug law to ‘increase deterrent effect’

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) is arguing that the recent changes to the drug law are intended to increase the deterrent effect, not to penalize addicts. The

Wanda posts first sales decline in at least 11 Years

Dalian Wanda Group Co.’s revenue fell for the first time in at least 11 years after a slump in its property business outweighed growth from entertainment

Corporate bits | CTM extends data roaming destinations

Following the launch of the “Data Roaming Passport (10 days)” service, CTM has announced 25 new destinations for the scheme. This extends coverage to 59 countries and

Mozambique | Economic growth is expected to increase from 2018

Mozambique will return to a period of increased economic growth between 2018 and 2021, during which the economy is expected to grow at an average rate of

Angola starts exporting mangoes to Portugal

A ship moored at the port of Namibe, southern Angola, within the next few days will travel to Portugal carrying a shipment of 35.7 tonnes of mangoes

Aircraft carrier ability tested on latest mission

China’s sole aircraft carrier has returned home following a far-ranging three-week training mission during which its combat capabilities were closely scrutinized and speculation soared over what future role

Critics attacked, history revised as China nationalism rises

Writer Lu Yong had merely wanted to show support for a professor who had taken flak online for criticizing Mao Zedong, the founder of the communist state

Father of Chinese Romanization, dies at 111

Zhou Youguang, a linguist considered the father of modern China’s Pinyin Romanization system, died Saturday at the age of 111. Born in 1906 during China’s last imperial dynasty, the

Paper calls Tillerson’s South Sea threat ‘foolish’

China’s state media rebuffed a suggestion by President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of state that Beijing must be denied access to reclaimed reefs in the disputed

Philippines | Duterte orders troops to blast militants and their hostages

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he has ordered his troops to bomb extremists who flee with their captives in a bid to stop a wave of kidnappings at

Briefs | India: 21 people drown after boat capsizes

At least 21 people drowned and a dozen others were missing after their overcrowded boat capsized in a river in eastern India, police said yesterday. Nearly 50 people

Environment | Gadget mountain rising in Asia threatens health, environment

The waste from discarded electronic gadgets and electrical appliances has reached severe levels in East Asia, posing a growing threat to health and the environment unless safe

Indonesia, Japan affirm deeper ties during Abe’s Asian tour 

Japan and Indonesia yesterday affirmed a deepening of economic and political ties during a visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is using a four-nation tour

Myanmar | Muslims hope UN envoy’s visit will bring change

Muslim villagers in western Myanmar’s troubled Rakhine state said yesterday that they hope positive change will result from a U.N. envoy’s visit to the region, where soldiers

Ignoring Trump’s skepticism, Davos elite bets on climate change

Donald Trump has often ridiculed global warming and promised to withdraw the U.S. from the global accord signed in Paris in 2015. Yet despite the change

World diplomats in Paris to urge renewed Mideast peace talks

Fearing a new eruption of violence in the Middle East, more than 70 world diplomats gathered in Paris yesterday to push for renewed peace talks that would

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