Real Estate Matters | Did You Know…? 20 Interesting Facts About Macau Property – Part 3

Five more facts about Macau property that you may not already know: 11. Rental yields in Macau are very low Rents may seem high at times, but rental yields in Macau are

Because of Syrian war, Lebanon’s tobacco industry is booming

Syria’s conflict has caused hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee to Lebanon, putting a huge strain on the Lebanese economy and its already-crumbling infrastructure. But the five-year Syrian civil war

Cisco laying off 5,500 employees amid tech upheaval

Cisco Systems is laying off 5,500 employees as the internet gear maker scrambles to adapt to a technology upheaval that has triggered similar cutbacks to other storied tech companies. The shake-up

Corporate bits | Concert celebrating the life of Michael Jackson will be first at the Parisian

‘Thriller Live,’ a theatrical concert created to celebrate the life of Michael Jackson, is coming to the newly-built The Parisian Theatre from Sept. 30 to Nov. 13, for a limited

Xi seeks to address concerns over China’s new ‘Silk Road’ plan

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seeking to assuage international concern that his three-year-old signature initiative to revive an ancient trading route linking China and Europe is only about serving his

Admiral visits Syria in show of support

Chinese state media say a top military officer visited Syria this week in a show of support for President Bashar Assad’s embattled regime. The official Xinhua News Agency says Rear Adm.

Manila will not raise sea row with Beijing at ASEAN meeting

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he will not raise long-simmering maritime disputes with China at a meeting of Southeast Asian nations in Laos next month, preferring to talk quietly with Chinese officials. “I

Home-price gains cool as smaller cities impose curbs

Chinese home prices gained in fewer cities as local governments joined some of the nation’s largest hubs in imposing residential property curbs to quell soaring real estate values. New-home prices excluding

Diplomat’s defection poses major PR problem for Pyongyang

The defection of a North Korean senior diplomat in London poses a major problem for Pyongyang on a number of fronts — not least of which is how to publicly

Philippines | GDP beats forecasts in boost for Duterte’s plans

The Philippines economy grew faster than economists predicted last quarter, giving a boost to new President Rodrigo Duterte as he seeks to attract more investment and speed up infrastructure spending. Gross domestic

Mongolia hikes interest rate to protect currency

The central bank of Mongolia raised its key interest rate to 15 percent to protect the currency, reversing a cut in borrowing costs to 10.5 percent in May. The Mongolian tugrik initially

Biden’s remark on Japan constitution raises eyebrows

A recent remark by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that America wrote Japan’s Constitution is raising eyebrows in Japan. A popular front-page column in the national Asahi newspaper said this week that the

UN experts: Extremists foiling governments with encryption

Increasing numbers of foreign fighters for the Islamic State group and al-Qaida are returning home, potentially to carry out attacks, and are using the “dark web” or encrypted messaging that

Turkey | Three killed, dozens wounded in 2 car bombings

Two car bombings targeted police stations in Turkey early yesterday, killing three people and wounding dozens, officials said. A car bombing attack on a police station in the eastern province of Van killed

This Day in History | 2003 – UN envoy dies in Baghdad bombing

A massive bomb has wrecked the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, killing at least 17 people including the UN’s chief envoy to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. Three floors of the

Offbeat | Europe is leaving the workforce of the future on the sidelines

Six years after the euro’s debt crisis began its attack on economies from Greece to Ireland, one in six people aged between 20 and 24 is still living for the day - not in employment, education or

Rio Olympics | Neymar, Brazil come out blazing in Olympic soccer semifinals

Maybe Neymar and his teammates can make the Olympics a success for Brazil after all. Brazil’s celebrated men’s soccer team rolled to a 6-0 win over Honduras in the semifinals

India set for worst performance since 1992

Months ahead of the Rio Games, Indian sports officials vowed that the massive nation would turn around its long history of dismal Olympic results and be proud of its athletes. Steeplechase.

‘Awesome Hour’ on the track as US captures six Olympic medals

Tianna Bartoletta kicked off her country’s whirlwind run of medals on the night. So, by all rights, she should get to name it. Fittingly, the newly crowned Olympic long jump

Irish Olympic executive arrested in ticket scheme

A senior Olympic executive from Ireland was arrested and taken to the hospital on Wednesday after police raided his beachfront hotel as part of an investigation into the illegal sale

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