Rear Window | Still room for improvement

As the dust settles in the aftermath of the unpredictable May Day civil and industrial actions, at least partly, Macau dares to read the new trends coming out of the

Rear Window | May power

Inspired by the slogan that proclaims “Only Macau is Macau”, we are ready to believe this presumed uniqueness and stubborn localism refers to everything going on the small territory. In

Rear Window | Idle cash

Conventional wisdom tells us that Macau people are eager to brag about the standard of the services provided by its utilities, or at least admit a better than average level

Rear Window | Minimum understanding

Previously, we addressed in this column the local reading of the new normal. Each Secretary of MSAR Government simply manages their portfolio at the micro level. The Chief Executive and

Rear Window: New normal

Who would anticipate that tourism itself might actually occupy the central stage in the run-up to the March meetings of the NPC and the CPPCC in the capital-city, Beijing? Nobody…unless

Rear Window : There is always room for one more

The theory in use must be the one about the hypothetical ever-accommodating can of sardines: you squeeze a little and there you go… one more added to the dead school.

Rear Window: New adjustment

Chan Wai Kuong, the new director of the Judiciary Police, broke the news during PJ’s annual meeting with the local media that gaming-related crimes have increased year-on-year by 16%. Translating

Rear Window: Damage control mode

Even erstwhile unapologetic legislator Fong Chi Keong, aka the firing cannon (Fong Cannon), knew it was time to limit the damage piling up over his latest inadmissible comments on domestic

Rear Window: On winning quietly

Running against the unspoken rule, Chui Sai On’s second term began immediately after the Chief Executive was inaugurated on the SAR’s 15th anniversary. Usually, things go smoothly until sometime deep

Rear Window | Twin cities

Understandably, China’s high-ranking officials praising Macau as a “role model” on the grounds of its scrupulous compliance with the Basic Law, as well as the better implementation of the principle

Rear Window: Chui Sai On’s new beginning

We do take as good and insightful, the political trivia that there is no such thing as luck in politics. Under this rule, MSAR Chief Executive, Chui Sai On, was

Rear Window: True colors

And so…the gathering of a few dozen Yellow Ribbon students and political activists at UMAC’s Hengqin Island campus, born as a protest and later announced as an assembly, which although

Rear Window: You run, I follow

As the ‘dust’ settles in Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mong Kok, pepper spray dissolves into thin air and the umbrella protests come to an end, only to revive again and

Rear Window: Be prepared

1. As we write this column, unaware of the key players in Chui Sai On’s second team of secretaries, we have to rely on President Xi Jinping’s political endorsement. This

Rear Window | The long goodbye!

The PRC’s State Council – under Premier Li Keqiang – has appointed Chui Sai On as the next Macau Special Administrative Region Chief Executive. Chui received nearly 96% of the

Rear Window: Source code

Occupy Central member Benny Tai Yiu-ting’s admission of an objective defeat regarding the 2017 full democratic electoral method, and the corresponding victory of the National People’s Congress by their refusal

Rear window: Political ‘patchwork’

Running solo has its peculiarities. On one hand, the acting Chief Executive has to find time to campaign as if the electoral committee that casts the necessary votes was not

Rear Window | TUI cum laude

The ruling that the MSAR’s Court of Final Appeal (TUI) made on the negative answer that the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau gave the Open Society in response to their

Rear Window: Virtuous cycle, vicious cycle

If we take as a given the alleged overall dissatisfaction over the Chief Executive’s performance, there is a fair possibility that no matter who would be invited to advise on

Rear Window: Sailing safe

1. If politics are always local politics, you are in the right place to observe how Macau handles rocky problems or issues – similar to the ones that the Hong

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